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Everything posted by livingart

  1. they want to buy you and are just making a deposit
  2. sorry i am just an aged flora and fauna maintainer and don't understand these new terms
  3. as far as i know confiscated and destroyed strange for an animal that was introduced into nz years ago
  4. the reason has to be valid but the facts presented that back up the validity are usually incomplete, erroneous or have no relevance to new zealands climate
  5. something humans pass around
  6. my son is doing zoology at massey and has checked this out for me the lady seems legit from that end just some personal thoughts on the topic have had our reps for a few years now and i have picked up no diseases off them that doesn't mean they are not carrying something though i personally would like to know what diseases they do carry as many are treatable to have this done professionally will cost a lot of money in lab time the animals i have are readily available in nz and have been here for awhile and related to other peoples reps cross contamination in your own collection can happen very easily one of the facts used to have the green iguana declared a new organism was that they were carrying mount pleasant salmonella and this was not found in nz previously but was present in a couple of collections in the states this suggested that these lizards were related to these collections and probably smuggled a few weeks after having them declared a new organism and removed from peoples collections an application was put to erma to have mount pleasant salmonella removed as a new organism as it had been in nz for a few years if this is a smokescreen for biosecurity etc and i lose my collection then there will be legal avenues to pursue the reptile hobby in nz is fragmented, and shrouded in secrecy as people are worried about having animals confiscated or stolen sadly the recent actions of authorities in the green iguana case, the theft of the day geckos from hamilton zoo and the high prices of tortoises on that site have only added to peoples protection of the rarer reps they have and distrust of people viewing their collections just some personal thoughts on the topic
  7. so do i do all of the above, fiddle with all knobs then administer a sharp slap to the right hand side of the control panel or pick machine up a couple of inches and drop usually works for me
  8. probably more chance of something coming in on starlings, dotterel etc
  9. agreed to take part 2 weeks ago waiting for the visit
  10. read a lot about them on overseas sites haven't seen them in nz mind you i don't get away from here much
  11. seperate and keep in the dark with a piece of carrot for moisture any igs down your way
  12. you pays your money, you get the goods
  13. make your own a couple of good threads on here in technical or glue thin slate to a backing board and screw in pen
  14. in the wild they are not locked on one substrate for their lives they roam over more than 2 or 3 square metres
  15. go back to breeder and ask to swap 2 for females
  16. a local signwriter sells me the vinyl and will computer cut letters as well
  17. good idea danval my pond with large goldfish doesn't have duckweed but small goldfish one does
  18. someone is playing with you
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