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Everything posted by livingart

  1. sorry mystic but i have to agree with barrie on this one yes they are good when handled right but starve your ferret and see what it is like sadly there is still a black market in these and they are still being bred and sold once it leaves responsible hands there is no telling what happens to it not all owners are responsible, same with cat owners this is just one reason why we have the importation laws we have now on animals fish etc ps - i have owned them before ad think the are an incredible animal but they hve no place in the nz environment
  2. ferrets are awesome awesome predators if they were 6 feet long humans would have a huge problem some humans are alright, every wild ferret lives up to its job description
  3. definitely fury angry little things they are
  4. that was why i asked the question of where they were
  5. your obviously not studying nz conservation then i will send the next one to you phoenix, might make a good playmate for rusty traps back out for the next few weeks
  6. didn't think the red shrimp were here sometimes when fish grow up together they get on all right together
  7. welcome to the forums nice selection of fish so where do you live?
  8. ferret is no more, soon to be taxidermied worst part is we live well within the city limits don't worry i have more amhersts, but sadly found my spare swinhoes cockbird dead as well
  9. wednesday morning - 6 young bantams in one pen dead, 2 eaten - suspected weasel Fenn traps out and baited around same pen thursday morning - another pen 3 adult roosters, 3 amherst pheasants 1/2 grown (1 partially eaten) - suspected stoat, no traps sprung changed bait, moved traps, added live cat trap with meat bait friday morning
  10. when i first started i loved my fish too much :oops:
  11. might have to start a new thread i thought wild caught stock would be described as F0 and next generation as F1, ? or is F1 the first production of a hybrid breeding? open to correction
  12. ours eat mescalin salad, carrot, pumpkin, rock melon, alfalfa sprouts, watties baby foods (pears, apple etc), oxheart, jellymeat, to name a few have fed this since young, all on one dish stick the crickets in the baby food to start them off we cut back on live foods a bit anyone tasted crickets to see if they taste better than mealworms?
  13. nice "electric yellow" marklb same as yours smidey good solid yellows 2 of my large ones show faint barring, thought they might have been hybrids but after research found it is a morph phoenix all the solid yellows come from a very small gene pool
  14. there are some good info topics in beginners corner this on stocking rate viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1372
  15. welcome to the forums shyfan you will get lots of help on here well done on the researching first and your daughter has done a good job so far with the goldfish
  16. and that lynnie is probably the best way to handle the situation
  17. nice change jarrenb the drift wood is a nice shape in that tank by moving it slightly to one side will allow you to add some small rocks or a cave some small growing plants in the front will balance the plantings remember the plants will grow well done
  18. yes smidey the whiter ones are the ones that are mostly found in the lake
  19. don't know about bananas as we don't feed them is the beak colouration just a dirty beak or actual colour change
  20. a few different morphs are found in the lake apparently the more solid yellow ones all come from an original pair from a small colony in the lake, major line breeding some morphs have a faint barring on their sides, some are a whiter fish with black top fin and blue sheen when breeding i think from memory their scientific name means blue i had 4 fish at 6 to 8 inches the photo is of one of the youngsters off them
  21. hi guys welcome to the forum sorry to hear of your problems if you add the area you live in locals may be able to help does this tank have the overhead filter system on it? how often did you clean filter? just a couple of questions to get started
  22. maximum up to a metre and maybe 20kgs
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