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Everything posted by livingart

  1. thick skins all round i will drink to that, cheers
  2. not bad ira her brother is called little mac as he is a long way from being a big mac alan, brings back some memories
  3. you shouting tequila instead? i'll supply the meat and bbq
  4. 1st prize is a week in fiji 2nd prize is 2 weeks in fiji and so on and so on
  5. sweepstake? i will weigh her tomorrow i say maybe 8, but then i did carry her for 500 metres to move mum to another paddock as the llama was hassling them
  6. suphew is right they can tolerate warmer but not for too long a period fungus whitespot etc. made a suckgun out of perspex tube and diaphragm rubber a few tears back it worked a treat when they dived into the rocks
  7. a bit smaller than the one you use to house yours bred them smaller to fit the little tanks they sell lately
  8. if you are going to try corals a skimmer is a must and lightng will need an upgrade maybe better off with something bigger there is a good thread in saltwater section by the conch on running a nano
  9. frozen mysis, daphnia and brine shrimp, marine flake food as well also chopped up mussel, fish etc you maybe able to catch live pods and mysis down your way do you have eel grass beds locally
  10. her full name is to be L.A. Mocha of Valador
  11. hi westmike welcome to the forums there is a welcome section to introduce youself in
  12. to answer your points i was refering to navarres comment on the spelling i lived through the iguana saga, you just have conjecture to go on your avatar reads auckland and i was never in a box to start with implied swearing is not allowed you are rather agressive in your posts
  13. here is a spare "i" to put in your last post oh bird who rises from the ashes
  14. you leave daisy out of this or her dad may get upset
  15. and spelledet better? 8) you can bring "stuff" in, just need to follow the correct procedures and have lots of money to throw around we need a reptile millionaire
  16. contrary to rumour i had nothing to do with it :oops:
  17. you aucklanders should have done something when they asked for submissions on the drafting of that ARC ban old thread on here was trying to galvanise some opposition what happened to it? horses, stables, closed and bolted? ps:- i am a bit older than 12 the iggys were a different kettle of fish and the oppurtunity was there to legalise them
  18. you leave my velocipede out of this
  19. its a miniaure highland cow end product of 16 years of selective breeding should stand 32 to 35 inches when adult the mother Shaan is 39 inches at the shoulder and 7 yrs old
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