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Everything posted by livingart

  1. apparently it is a common problem with breeding some longfinned livebearers http://www.aquaboards.com/viewtopic.php?id=2643 reminds me of jacobean pigeons which need long feathers trimming so they can see and then mate with the females
  2. found a site on google for this a while back sorry can't remember where but involved a pair of scissors and snipping back to a normal gonopodium length try googling trimming gonopodium
  3. might be just a delay in eggs hatching maybe some type of waxmoth?
  4. if thats the case then dinners on me tonight
  5. i got given a small tub of shelled macadamia nuts for xmas, they were left for 3 days with the lid off then lid put back on and put away in a cupboard so a month ago i found they had a few small white caterpillar or worms in them, so i put the lid back on and put them in the locust tank i now have about 500 plus worms and no sign of a beetle or moth yet they have a silk they produce like a waxmoth but don't seem to have changed yet any help id ing them would be appreciated
  6. welcome to the forum greenlight what is the pond made of, it will help to know so correct advise can be given on the way you repair it
  7. hi baino welcome to the forums the use of capital letters usually denotes you are shouting a rough translation of what you wrote Hi there, can anyone help with my tropical fish? i have a female fighter, 2 red tailed tetras, a siamese algae eater and would like to add guppies and long finned danios. will any of the first three pose a threat to the ones i want to add?, i heard the tetras may be a problem. i also have a shark and swordtail male, if the guppies and danios breedwill any of these eat their eggs or live ones, thanks have not long started with tropicals, so i am quite new to this the only real threat i can see to the other fish is possibly the shark if it is a red tailed black shark and all the fish will eat other fishes eggs and young if they can fit in their mouths it is better to breed in a seperate tank, though some guppies should survive if you have thick plantings enjoy your time here
  8. don't worry it was very quick and about a humane as you can get i love all animals, insects etc just some are in the wrong place or hands
  9. leave the snakes out of the situation barrie yes twinkles responsible owners would be ok i think you summed up the problem there, humans are involved dog registration has been round awhile and we still have dogs roaming, biting and unregistered, so microchipping and registration does not fix the problem until everyone complies and you will never get full compliance so the only thing the powers that be can do is ban completely a ferret can't help eating to survive it is doing what comes naturally it is not a vegetarian
  10. well done alan solid advice
  11. in mine they are hard to sex sometimes but generally the males show more black on their fins
  12. that is part of nature mystic and there is really no like or dislike about it as it balances itself out whereas man puts the balance out in nz man(woman included, lets share the blame) brought many animals etc to this country that are now problems he brought rabbits for food, fur and as pets , no predators for rabbits here just the odd hawk and falcon rabbits (surprisingly) bred like rabbits so he introduced mustelids to control them naturally, everyone had jobs back then no time to go shoot rabbit the poor old native animals had no chance as they hadn't had to deal with a major ground predator before and are easier pickings than rabbits, no contest as an example the nz and australian brown quail are taxonomically almost the same bird, the nz brown quail is thought to be almost extinct whereas the australian one is still running around nz the possible reason is the nz quail when approached would sit still and wait for you to walk over and pick it up, easy pickings whereas the aussie quail when approached too closely will startle and take off 2 different reactions the aussie bird evolved with a lot of ground predators with a keen sense of smell, the nz ones evolved with no ground predators (maybe the Weka) so didn't need to run so man mucked up the balance and man needs to fix it though it is probably too costly to do nowadays even one pregnant mustelid left is one too many
  13. he is waiting till they get bigger
  14. the cat is being a cat the bird maybe a mouthful
  15. i know a guy who spent $15,000 bringing 4 pet ferrets from the uk beautiful animals all rescued from a fur farm in the uk probably the biggest and best coloured and furred ferrets i have seen never attacked another animal in their lives i built him a huge steel cage and run for them cost $3,000 used to follow his daughters all over the farm until they didn't close the door properly one day 22 mandarin and carolina wood ducks dead in the morning
  16. i hand reared one once from an inch long and hairless as to young ones sorry phoenix but i would put them down i am not a purist just a realist and even a pet one is potentially a loaded gun
  17. might be alright with the ones mystic had but a wild one would be a "no contest"
  18. your support in the native wildlife battle is duly noted comrade barrie
  19. hi chris and welcome to the forum you can go into your profile and add your location
  20. seemsyou did the cleaning right but cleaning seems to be the last thing you did before your problem so your tank may have gone through a mini cycle again after the cleaning and maybe the subsequent ammonia spike has caused your problem the plants being chewed and bits dying won't have helped as well you could probably do a few 20% water changes to help out as to the agressive fish thingy a picture thingy might help ID it
  21. hi kelaray welcome to the forum how well did you clean the tank?
  22. agree david but too many people own a cat and they are cuter too
  23. too quick on the trigger there deputy wait till you see the whites of their eyes
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