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Everything posted by livingart

  1. life becomes easier when you learn how to say "yes dear"
  2. the bronze dragon is a strong dragon
  3. according to wikipedia the word eskimo covers a group of peoples http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eskimo so while it is nowadays correct to use the term innuit to descfbe one group, the term eskimo is used loosely to describe all the groups together it is described as a pejorative term not a rude on
  4. the word is only offensive to that lady so far and maybe other innuit who haven't seen it yet the costs involved in changing the branding, packaging etc and the subsequent rebranding advertising that eskimos are now called something else would be fairly substantial i can understand her being offended by the name but to change something for one person is a bit over the top putting the name kiwi on something you shine your boots with is probably worse than the name eskimo on a confectionary
  5. gerald durrell one of my childhod heroes
  6. wonder if as far as the bird is concerned those peircings aren't part of the rest of you so it may be trying to preen you remember if you have a cold or flu keep the bird away from your face area, they can catch bugs off you and something we can get over in a few days can be potentially fatal to them not trying to scare you but just be aware of things
  7. well done zev you got my post in the right place it is amazing how long it takes me to write something with one finger :oops:
  8. just try playing with his feet you can even start laying him on his back and just try running an emery board over the ends just the tips need squaring off don't give it a bad experience, if he protests stop but try again later it is patience and repetition that will win the day if we sell handraised birds it is taught to lay on its back and nails get trimmed before they leave us
  9. found usually on birds of prey but more recently on caged birds since the advent of sand coated perches http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bumblefoot_(infection) gluing the sandpaper underneath the perch where the claws are might be a good idea i use large diameter perches so the claws rub on the timber bumble foot is the term
  10. knowledge is to be shared so long as we have learnt from our experiences
  11. don't want to hijack a thread but it is about lorries lorries feet don't usually encounter sand on the branches they stand on therefore the skin is not made to walk on sand stuck to perches or sand paper wrapped round it for prolonged periods i have dealt with a few birds with bacterial infection from being on perches sold by pet shops to deal with sharp claws 1 case involved amputation of toes P.S. sorry a pet hate
  12. i get my time full of people who think they are the only one i have talked to that day almost for got the ones that turn up around midday and say you have an easy life as everytime i turn up your sitting down :evil:
  13. She must be the first innuit to visit new zealand in many many summers
  14. sorry phoenix but i am not a fan of sand paper on perches as it can cause bumble foot better to teach him to let you buff his nails with an emery board the more you handle it regularly the better it will be as an adult they are naturally clowns and love to play enjoy your lorrie
  15. are you hoping to expand your setup or work on new colour varieties?
  16. was asking about substrate as it can habour bacteria and stick to a weeping burn i use under floor heating, no burns water dragons leap better than beardies
  17. the water needs to contact the coral sand for it to start raising the ph loosely packed in the stocking and water passed through it should work i have some coral rubble here i use this in the sump and pass water through it
  18. are the tanks in the fish room 3 or 4 footers dauckland?
  19. the cage gives them something to hang on to and it gets hot as well
  20. some reps sense of being burnt is almost non existant skin on feet is thicker than skin on chest, hopefully it hit the bulb and dropped straight away, so not a deep burn problem with infection will be if or when dead skin peels away what substrate is it housed on?
  21. i have some biggies in a 2.4m x 65cm, seem ok once they settled down
  22. nothing like a hot wok for burning desire
  23. betadine ointment is good for burns hopefully it is shallow and not deep, bulbs are hard to hang on to has it burnt its feet as well is it still eating?
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