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  1. Just like to say I've had some really fantastic help and support from members of this forum over this and hopefully my fish should be on the mend from today. Many thanks Chris.
  2. Good advice but every Vet I phone says he is not qualified to diagnose or prescribe for fish- that is if I can get past the receptionist. One even told me he might be able to help if I could bring the fish in next Tuesday, well he'll probably be dead by then or if not the trip halfway across Auckland will certainly kill him. Does anyone know a sympathetic Vet in Auckland? Thanks Chris
  3. Anyone out there know how to get Metrodizanole? My discus seem to have an infection of flagellates and this is the treatment of choice.
  4. Tanya you are a star. There is a Clean Tec in Hamilton and I'll get on to them on Monday and hopefully they can supply me. Otherwise your offer is very generous and I'll be taking it up. Cheers Chris. Ryan thanks for your reply and the more I think about the more I realise your approach would be the better one. The reason I've removed the fish that's showing symptoms is that I'm hoping the others aren't infected. If the treatment works and the others show symptoms then I'll do as you suggest. This is a great forum. Thanks Chris.
  5. Very informative, cheers. I am begining to wonder if my fish and potentially the others in the tank has been infected by a pathogen left over from my cycling the tank with a group of platties borrowed from the kid over the road. I am worried that my other discus might fall sick and if that happens I might be forced to remove them all to an isolation tank for treatment. If that becomes nessessary it might make sense for me to sterilise the main tank and filter to get rid of any nasties and do a fishless cycle to eliminate the risk of introducing nasties. The problem here is I can't find anywhere that sells clear ammonia to start the cycle. Does anyone out there know where I can get clear ammonia? Cheers Chris
  6. Thanks for that, I have now intoduced myself on the wellcome page. Re. the sick discus, he is probably 6-7 months old and I aquired him 5 weeks ago. The tank is 300l and has 3 other recently intoduced discus sub aldults in it. The filter seems to be doing its job, no ammonia, no nitrite and minimal nitrate, PH 7.4 consistently, temp. 30C. I do a 50% water change every second day with aged, declorinated, 30C water, the tank is bare bottomed and I srub the glass every week. I feed Novo bits beefheart and blood worms. The white poo was not stringy it was literaaly like cloudy mucous. I have moved him to an isolation tank and upped the temp to 33c and added 2 tablespoons of salt per gallon of water and he seems to be taking a little food. Hope this might give someone some clues. Cheers Chris
  7. Hi I live in Titirangi, Auckland and hve only just started keeping discus. I have a 300l tank with 4 fish at present and hope to ultimately house 5 -6. Cheers everyone. Chris.
  8. Chriswitt

    sick discus

    Help please Any ideas on possible diagnosis and treatment? My discus stopped eating 3 days ago and I noticed him passing a milky white sticky looking substance in its feces. He does not have any other obvious symptoms although possibly not as alert as his old self. Cheers Chris.
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