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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart

    Air Pump

    what brand is it doch?
  2. if that is true then manual labour is a mexican have you bought a testkit so you can check your own water parameters aquavitamins will save having to wait until you get to the shop for a result
  3. you could make a ply frame with mesh in top to keep the cats out
  4. some kids behave badly as their parents response, even if it is a belting is the only attention they get more work should be done in kindys etc to pick these kids up and start to sort problems before they are too ingrained
  5. repto maybe right with the psycho word, i had 2 males together and even though one appeared dominant with all the right signs it did not grow as fast as the other apparently sub dominant one after seperation took quite awhile for it to put weight back on it went into brumation and came out with appetite back etc
  6. according to new studies that have revealed that a child brought up under stress does not develop the upper part of the brain properly this is where our self regulation thinking takes place
  7. hi jazzyjeff and welcome
  8. red neck turtles live in the woods and play banjo's males have long claws on front legs
  9. some humans don't have the upbringing that most have causes and effects need to be taken into account i have known some pretty bad people in my life journey but when you learn the road they have walked you can understand better why they are the way they are
  10. add to that, good role models
  11. we are bonkers if we think we are superior to other life forms
  12. trouble is so many kids don't understand consequences of their actions or what empathy is nowadays sadly they are not being taught it by their parents
  13. you could have a hood to keep the cats out and cut light into the top of it
  14. do the same as you did last time, as that worked
  15. don't worry with humans the problem apparently will only show in the bath so as long as you bath alone no-one will know
  16. depending on how much strain the tuberculosis is causing in the fish the bubles may come from further back in the fish
  17. livingart

    Fortune Cookies

    a frank zappa song
  18. well done on making the sump sallyj have you got a skimmer on your system?
  19. frogs like food that moves and can be hard to adjust to dead foods flies don't have much nutritional value, slaters, ctickets and locusts are better mincie on here sells a few insects
  20. welcome back jude how was the move?
  21. some people have a natural talent for aquascaping others of us have to learn it, the more tankscapes you look at the better you get
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