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Everything posted by livingart

  1. amazing thing is i have never seen an animal deliberately starve itself to death when food is available
  2. i could probaly pull 20 fish at 2cm out of the tank per month
  3. not wise just had an african tank for awhile and have made a few mistakes (learning curve) another problem i have is fish getting chased and wedging themselves face first in gaps because scales stick backwards they sometimes get jammed the rest of the fish clean them up los of nooks and crannies means a high rate of fry survival
  4. can't see why not if you find some still settles there, you can always add a power head
  5. i do weekly about 1/3 i have sited powerhead opposite end to sump intake but amongst the rock aimed to power water through the rocks seems to work alright i pull tank apart once a year, take out rocks, catch fish and syphon off dirty muck edit: tank is 2.4 x 60 x 60 and a lot of big fish, lots of babies
  6. Looking good phoenix do you have anything to move sediment from behind the rockwork?
  7. if you are going to that sort of trouble you may as well just give them a crunch with your fingers the other trick is to put them in the fridge to slow them down not for too long as i don't think beardies do frozen T.V. dinners
  8. i have been approached by the local forest and bird society to help set up a native fish display at Fieldays 2009: 10 - 13 June 2009! i have a 5 foot tank and stand plus cf1200 canister filter set up one of the local guys can deliver it all over there but wondered if abyone locally could help set it back up and look after it, then break it down again i thought that emptying the water into a 200 litre plastic drum fish into bags and polybox and gravel, plants into buckets then re assembling all on site would work any thoughts ideas etc would be appreciated
  9. "suffering soccatash i think i see a tweety bird" 'i did i did see a tweety bird"
  10. google is your friend http://www.google.co.nz/search?sourceid ... e+problems
  11. try grating the carrot or pompkin it could be an early sign of vitamin A deficiency don't panic if he still won't eat his greens don't give him any pudding or talk to your vet about soluble vitamin A for him a slow wink is as good as a nod to a blind man
  12. 2.1meters x 900mm wide x 750mm high = $100 on that site they don't happen very often, came with the biggest eheim water pump you can buy if you are prepared to wait there are bargains around
  13. is there any discharge from the eye and is his breathing slightly raspy? also may be something under lid, but usually close and rub the eye
  14. don't you think when your dressed in pink that an elephant with no nose would fast decompose it couldn't eat well not with those feet with no trunk to squirm that large pachyderm would look very lean or might never have been
  15. if the blocks have holes in them you could line them up and slide a length of steel rod or pipe in them that would tie the whole lot together just drill a hole in the shelving to accomodate the rod
  16. i think some one sent it on that e mail thingy
  17. "well Dad you said we had to get some new experiences and we've never been here before"
  18. i thought the jury was still out on the origin of the blues?
  19. your not still feeding them wine biscuits and playing barry white to them are you alan?
  20. i think the amount of lead used in the average tank getting weekly water changes would be low the level can be affected by the amount of oxygen and carbonic acid present in the water good question. i wonder how much to get your water tested?
  21. lighting makes red aros look better than daylight does
  22. when i was a child i was beaten with a copy of Confuscius' analects and told to wisen up lad
  23. somethings in life are blatantly cruel and obvious to everyone while others are not so clear cut and will be judged by each of us depending on how we were moulded by our environmental influences and experiences as we grew up
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