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Everything posted by livingart

  1. sorry peter there are many types of people who make up our world some would say that was no different than any other feeder fish scenario
  2. 2 mature axys male and female, plants or mops to spawn on, and cold flush of water to trigger you will see female fatten when she is filling with eggs i don't get technical with them
  3. What size do you want to trial? maybe better under tank
  4. not as grrrr as i was when trying to load them
  5. broke the tank down and moved it into the next door room today took 19 minutes to pump water into a drum and using a sack trolley at 1 end of the stand and a lifter at the other moved and pump water back into the tank topped the tank up fully with fresh stream water did the move to make a better display, you can view from both sides now and to see how feasible it was to move as one unit i think to take to feild days i will take tank off the stand it is a solid 40mm square box section frame so would transport well, any thoughts? all plants are in small pots was sitting watching the tank afterwards when the banded kokopu who had been sitting in the stream from the spraybar jumped about 12 inches through a 1/2 inch gap in the lids and ended on the floor wet hands and straight back in the tank and now seems none the worse, the next couple of days will tell
  6. they are in a retail business and making sales is what keeps them employed the more sales the better the job retention P.S. don't forget the ear muffs to the deaf man
  7. on the floor in your fishroom, puppy pen or large plastic bins suspended heatlamps and lights plastic or astroturf underneath
  8. no you are driving the deisel tank to the gas station
  9. when you live in the outback of australia 5 hours could be a trip to the local gas station
  10. 12 foot x 4 foot x 4 foot, fibreglass with 30mm acrylic windows either side
  11. free day at Living Art Wildlife park tommorrow Sunday 24th May for local forum members at 2pm is the meeting of the Local aquarium club so come along and join in lots of tanks to see, also new native fish display Entry is by forum username and out of towners can come as well
  12. well not really a deck on the left is spring fed pools
  13. the sight of me changing feet has never been described as awesome before
  15. all natural is cheaper i was only opening my mouth to change the peds again
  16. wednesday went down to the stream on our property and got some different plants and about 200 freshwater shrimp only put about 30 shrimp in the tank and fed out the rest today caught 4 immature redfin bullies and 5 inanga so popped them in as well will fill tank tomorrow then 50% water changes every 2 or 3 days after that
  17. Native tank needed for the fieldays, so i started setting one up on monday wanted to get a stream type biotype so thought a spare 1.5 metre x 45cm x 45cm would be best to create a good current in i have sourced some river gravel from the local "Rock Shop" from fine gravel to 50mm pieces, nice brown colour as i need to make it movable so i thought a canister would be better than a sump dug out a cf1200 and replaced a couple of "o" rings and away it went, makes quite a current in the tank used media from a goldfish tank sump then 2/3 filled tank with pond water as the galaxiads i will be using are in it already
  18. livingart


    another Astatocara callipmoorii only very small egg spots on one of four fish
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