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Everything posted by livingart

  1. every time we experiment with something we increase our knowledge base
  2. what were heat pads 12 or 24 hr nice combo of colour with those 2 species
  3. looking good big mountain a couple of low land areas and its a newt environment
  4. i think a lot of how big and fast they grow is as ryan said down to water quality, food and tank size from the start
  5. brilliant idea could you use a tree trunk as the column? sump under tank safety factor on glass may be important for public place
  6. rough, rough cough, cough, aaarrrkkk, fur ball
  7. http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/regs/imports/ihs http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/regs/imports/ihs/risk
  8. the issue is no health standard and no one with the money and inclination to apply for one with a good chance of it being declined then having to pursue a legal battle
  9. brilliant photo romeo looks a bit like blood under the skin from the photo, maybe better to wait and see
  10. that lies in the hands of those who own them
  11. they were only one male from that
  12. having a pair will sure help i know a lady who bought a "pair" amd wondered why the eggs didn't hatch :roll: neither of the pair had lumps
  13. you can spend the money saved on a doggy coat for winter that is a lot of hair for a small dog, i am jealous :oops:
  14. exactly the same but the growth rate is faster and the cannibalism worse if not enough food or room i don't treat the eggs for fungus, just use water changes and air stone the goldens eggs have a white centre i use oxygen weed to spawn them on you've done newts so axys should be easier
  15. hold that threat i am having trouble finding the camels how about fleas from a mangy dog, 2 cats and a feral rabbit
  16. may the fleas of a 1,000 camels infest your armpits
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