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Everything posted by livingart

  1. livingart

    Dwarf Brag

    congrats, well done so far
  2. giving the perspex a rough sand can help to get silicin to stick a bit better or drilling shallow holes in it
  3. well the arguement might be that they are lower life forms and don't feel anything some believe that plants feel it when cut in nature one thing consumes another, it is called the cycle of life and the cycle has been has been going a long time save the cute and cuddly and squash the creepy and crawly :roll:
  4. sorry Avits it was a while ago most stuff is on sumps now
  5. not exactly HOB more a SAE (stand at end) 10L bucket, with glued divider in the middle spout out of side and full of pumice waterflow down one side of divider and up the other, out spout and back in tank used medium flow pump to run i imagine anyrectangular plastic container with wide spout would suffice
  6. i need to apologise, my fish when colouring up did show some orangey yellow when first colouring, now they are red i went back to some old photos and under flash it shows the red shoulders i breed are from 9 to 10 year old stock that is a closed gene pool same with the royal blues
  7. livingart


    you are onto it phoenix it was an injoke for ryan the fish ryan sent me vary in body shape and colouration some more dolphin and others more asta
  8. livingart


    not to be confused with this should look like this
  9. thanks simian any help for the forest and bird man will be appreciated
  10. a very thin inside out non seeing eye dog
  11. an inside out non seeing eye dog the plot thickens moriarty 8)
  12. yes they are described as a carnivore, sometimes anything is worth a try do they feed after lights out?
  13. that about sums it up sorry, wait until they are more coloured
  14. have you tried algae wafers and zucchini sliced have you got algae in your tank
  15. my red shoolders have never shown yellow even when first colouring maybe the lady they bought them off mislaid what tank she had put fry in or something and gave them the wrong fish
  16. i think ira was saying that his dog ran through the glass even though it had no dog door in it correct me if i'm wrong
  17. pointy hat, big D, and stand at the back of the class facing the wall did your dog make its own dog door Ira?
  18. good thread here viewtopic.php?f=40&t=37055&start=90
  19. when was last water change always my first, first aid treatment when i have trouble test water as well if you have a test kit
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