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Everything posted by livingart

  1. biology 101, you forgot the gonads as well mystic
  2. sexual differences in silver arowana? i have done some searching but am finding no definitive information on this subject can anyone else shed some light on this?
  3. nice background would be a good one to make a mould off
  4. livingart

    Sump Tank

    a sump tank is a tank that usually sits below the main tank and water is passed from the top tank thru the sump tank and back by pump to the main tank sumps can contain media (freshwater) or a skimmer and or media (saltwater) using a sump tank increases the total water volume in your system and can contain more media than the average canister filter i use a sump on all our big tanks, it's a personal preference thing
  5. 21 shots of straight tequila forget the shots and scull the 40oz
  6. i think in the context of the topic barrie was talking killifish life expectancy
  7. sorry can't help but maybe temperature
  8. sorry, the one on the right or the one on the left? the one on the left is thinking "who is this primate mimicking me, if he keeps it up much longer i will jump at him and observe his reaction i hope he brought a change of pants"
  9. livingart


    something is only worth what someone else will pay for it
  10. i love observation of the interaction and behaviour of animals in a group i am good at body language and speak good baboon
  11. one can make a better judgement with some information, grasshopper
  12. i have kept brichardi in a 60l successfully and just kept taking young out when they reached 2 cm
  13. i was the alpha male to 5 of them and 3 chacmas i did not take part in the mating sys
  14. one of my dads friends was a copper from that area, he was a hard man
  15. that thickness of plywood would work ? depending on size of tank? and being screwed and glued personally i would use 4 x 2's and ply it is better to over design than under design
  16. i didn't know beardies had a nest to leave sometimes when they are in their brumating period they can be left alone for a few weeks remember they are your worries not the beardies
  17. love the hamadryas, takes me back a few years
  18. welcome, enjoy your stay
  19. having treid this before i agree with mincie doesn't take much to upset the system and cause a wet floor syphon can be upset by micro bubbles in water and build up in the syphon which can restrict flow so long as you are aware of this it can work, my 2metre reef is on syphon ststem
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