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Everything posted by livingart

  1. best to use coral rock lava rock may have some metals in it
  2. they were busy playing "you said, no you said"
  3. hi josh welcome to the forum enjoy your time here
  4. my ones growing more submerged are softer leaved
  5. sorry no pic but does it look like this http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=plant&PID=AGV
  6. yes i found some iin my fridge :oops:
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_Passat
  8. nice fish, nice pics and nice tank
  9. don't mind a good discussion even though some posts are hard to follow
  10. don't forget to keep within the forum guidelines it is hard to work out if some of the things written here are personal insults so be careful
  11. you saw right a reoccurring event
  12. he is doing an assignment for his marine biology degree i have clown fry and equipment he has the time/technology
  13. i have used natural salt water for all my brackish setups only problem i had was with trying to grow mangroves in the tank :oops: edit: just noticed you were in ashurst, a trip to the beach may cost more than buying the salt
  14. weekly water changes will be heelping a skimmer may help, but maybe expensive putting fine airstones in may give an indication of if that would help if the aeration created a scum or froth on the surface
  15. doing all the right things mel only leaves the silica sand really but that should be sweet if you take a glass jar of water from the tank and let it sit for a day you may be able to see anything settle out of the water if that was the case
  16. i have lots of live coral rubble you could throw in that filter and some small bits of live rock as well if needed +1 to all tetranz has said
  17. sorry no quick fix maybe substrate leaching particles in water bacterial bloom uneaten food, filter cleaned too well just to mention some possibilities questions would be what type of substrate, tank/filter maintenance, feeding etc?
  18. +1 scats can be pretty agressive to each other
  19. if the joins look alright you can get away with just resiliconing the inside how deep is the tank?
  20. so long as no stress bubbles are showing where front pane joins end panes you should be alright if using a clamp may pay to put lengths of tinber and padding to spread the load front and back
  21. get both for a varied diet, white worms are quite rich try pm to ID bio supplies are good
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