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Everything posted by livingart

  1. hopefully some go on to be reptile keepers or just to pass info on there are some passionate people out there prepared to learn
  2. already do some through local polytech and otago uni
  3. we spent awhile mixing salt and RODI water today then had to sterilse the mix so now bottles are filled with salt water to the correct salinity F2 media inserted wait for it to cool down a bit then to add phyto trialling a waterbed heat pad for keeping it all at the right temp
  4. thanks, cricketman spent awhile today drilling tops and marrying up tubing to fit tops properly going to put "Ts" on airline for BBS to allow removal of BBs through base
  5. tops for phyto bottles frits on intakes filter down to 2 microns, syringes on exhaust with filter wool to preclude any backdraft whole setup, everything sterilised so far need to mix sea salt and RO/DI water then sterilise that too will adjust lighting
  6. just need a tank label Fish Health Warning: Keeping more than 3cm in otal of fish in this tank will be injurious to their health.
  7. there is an expectation from joe public that when they go into a petshop that they are dealing with someone who knows what they are talking about there are many people working in pet shops in nz i think we have a small % of the total giving advice on here
  8. will get publicity but may open up a can of worms
  9. i would say to approach this with caution as one oof the requirements of the act could be applied to all fish kept in tanks Key features of the Act include: Obligation to care for animals While penalties for ill-treatment of animals are still featured, there is greater emphasis on prevention. This is done by clearly establishing the obligations of those responsible for the care of animals. The needs of animals take note of the internationally recognised five freedoms: proper and sufficient food and water adequate shelter the opportunity to display normal patterns of behaviour physical handling in a way which minimises the likelihood of unreasonable or unnecessary pain or distress protection from, and rapid diagnosis of, any significant injury or disease. These obligations are qualified, however, as the needs in each individual case are assessed according to what is appropriate to the species, environment and circumstances of an animal.
  10. hi T Rex you may need to start this through your local affiliated club and then go through the process the SPCA is a national organization taking a stand against abusive practices concerning animals the animal welfare act covers fish as well http://www.biosecurity.govt.nz/legislat ... /index.htm
  11. puffer fish i have had had swim bladders most regulate gases in it through the bloodstream
  12. congrats to all those voted in well done jennifer
  13. been there done that i am hoping it is not harder than raising seahorses been doing my research start of cabinet to keep it in something to hold the phyto bottles the bottles, to be sterilised yet cricketman drank them all stand for BBS syringes and airline filters
  14. we are going to have an attenpt at geting some phyto plankton and rotifers cultured the ultimate goal is to try and raise some marine clown fish cricketman is the techy in charge of this that way if it is a failure i can blame him equipment list 90cm flourescent light 2 x 90cm, 40 Watt fluorescent bulbs On/off Timer Air pump 3 metre. Flexible airline tubing 1 metre. Rigid airline tubing Multi-outlet airline splitter/valve ■6 x 1 litre drink bottles Aquarium salt f/2 Formula Phytoplankton starter culture, Nannochloropsis occulata and a cabinet to keep it warm since winter is here
  15. livingart


    welcome to the forums
  16. thanks for the pics for those who couldn't go
  17. that is one i had problems with as well
  18. its ok managed to source a good supply of f2, phyto and rotifers in nz
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