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Everything posted by livingart

  1. there is always a possibility wether there is any offspring from the union is a moot point
  2. livingart

    60L nano

    some info here viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46264&p=503269&hilit=nano#p503269
  3. livingart


    must be a recession snail
  4. livingart


    that is so sad that one of your snails has been kicked out of its home
  5. try this member ar-photography viewtopic.php?f=5&t=46168&p=529694#p529694
  6. livingart

    RO Water

    not the same http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reverse_osmosis you can use bottled water for a nano
  7. welcome aboard me heartie
  8. maybe not necessary as they were supposedly dealing with professionals who should know what they are looking at
  9. tell them to sort it out or forget the trade they will have enough up their sleeve to cover it
  10. eggs beng transmtted around, from cage surfaces, substrate etc or even passed from humans to bearde and vce versa
  11. i was adding to the websites FAQ sheet
  12. they appear bigger when you train them to give piggy back rides to each other or it could be that the males are just lazy
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