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jim r

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Everything posted by jim r

  1. Don't know about 1 but my 10 swim openly untill I aproach the tank and then scatter, when they realise It is feeding time they come back and snatch at the food and are very good eaters.
  2. I have hairgrass growing in white silica sand and it is thriving, however silica sand attracts the dirt and algae which means regular maintenance.
  3. My planted 900L tank has 2x58w flouro's (household type ) I add absolutely nothing and my lights are on 12hrs per day. Plants include Tiger lotus, swords,vallis,dwarf sag,stargrass,ambulia and crypts. All are thriving. I believe keeping things simple usually means less problems.
  4. My mistake I was confusing them with trumpet snails. :oops: :facepalm:
  5. I like the black one :facepalm: But seriously nice planted tanks,where are the fish?
  6. I think you will be fine just make sure you do regular water changes, enjoy. :bounce:
  7. You must be very dedicated if you intend to go to school on a Sunday, good on you. However if you need to replenish the tank I am sure there are plenty of generous people on this site who are willing to help.
  8. Correct me if I am wrong but ramshorns have really hard shells? Why not ordinary snails?
  9. Just being nosey but why ramshorn snails?
  10. hairgrass needs good lighting.
  11. I think you need to boil them.
  12. Spag /bol on a blue plate. :gigl:
  13. When you have sorted the issue at hand if you wish I will provide you with replacement platties.
  14. :happy1: :happy2: :bounce: Thanks Caryl.
  15. Pointy stick or no pointy stick you are on the " you will keep till conference list alongside Wok".
  16. jim r

    Earthworm sticks

    Thanks for that , me thinks I will have to get some of those.
  17. I have quite a few aqua ones and have had similar probs with air. In my case I found that the problem was with the shut off valves. I found ( the hard way) that if you over tighten them they do not seal correctly and air gets into the system.
  18. jim r

    Earthworm sticks

    What are earthworm sticks please?
  19. HA! Caryl, I can top that. When my 950L tank broke the glass travelled across the garage and broke a second tank I lost over 1,000 guppies, insurance would not cover first tank or carpet on home contents. :an!gry
  20. Send me your address and I will post you a small culture.
  21. You " WILL KEEP " Wait till I catch up with you at conference Wok.
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