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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. I don't think UG is any good really for African tanks or tanks where you have fish that shift substrate tho, hence why we use big external filters..
  2. It is amazing how many people still use undergravel filters I know a guy who uses them and he has done for many years and swears by UGF system.. and I reckon if it works for you, then stick to it I run one tank with an UGF, only a smallish tank for my apistos, and is brilliant.. the rest of our BIG tanks have big external filters.. I reckon the dinky little HOB filters are overated after having used one.. I wasn't keen at all.
  3. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/pfk/pages/item.php?news=842 I want some :lol:
  4. Yeah that tank is mine, however be careful when you rock it up, if one of your fish float past the Electric Yellow could cut up, as rock work is perfect territory for Mbuna
  5. Ok, they are good for chasing and are over all terrors to each other to as are alot of other African species aswell.. just keep an eye on your fish, incase they get stressed out too much My big Malawi tank is usually really peaceful, till something tipped the scales 2 days ago, now I have two peacocks looking rather worse for wear :roll:
  6. Awwww heck.. Is he really getting feisty? As in hitting the fish or just continual chasing??
  7. Oh ok.. it might be a case of finding him an African home possibly if he is going to be a hassle, throwing guppies in there won't make any difference into how he is with other tank mates...
  8. Is your electric yellow hassling your others? If he is hassling your other fish then it might be the case of having to house him with tank mates of the same kind.. ie start an African tank! go onnnnnn you know you want to :lol: I wouldn't recommend you have an Electric Yellow in with anything other than Malawi Cichlids.. plus they prefer different water parameters..
  9. If they aren't consumed then yes definately take the bodies out :lol:
  10. Not cruel at all.. it is nature If the guppies are in good health and your fish are big enough to consume a guppy without any problems, then go for it Can't beat the good old live food :lol: My frons got some tasty Brichardi the other night, I had around 80 odd hatch and I am not raising 80 odd Brichardi, so thinned them out a wee bit :lol:
  11. I have seen some massive sized Jags, around 10 year old mark.. bigger than 35cm... And big fatties... A guy we know has a relatively large pair and his breach slightly out of the water when they have fry, if he puts his hand over the tank more than likely everytime they would have a go at him :lol:
  12. I wouldn't go adding Melafix to the tank.. Hope your little guy comes right.. sounds like he as at least improving
  13. Congrats shelley, good luck with raising the fry
  14. Congrats on the spawning and those pictures are pefect... Keep the pics coming
  15. They are Malawi cichlids, definately a no no for the type of tank you are wanting.. they also require different water parameters... Happy hunting for your fish
  16. Thanks for sharing davidb that exhibit is beautiful! And thanks Gannet, awesome looking and so natural, however they ruined it by putting Flowerhorn in there huh :-? :lol:
  17. I used to keep Blue Rams, and Bolivian Butterfly Cichlids are another nice cichlid, I would say Keyholes are nice to, however they won't add the colour that you are after Kribensis can be a nice spot of colour also And yeap, definately stay away from Malawi species
  18. Banaro, there are many people out there that share the same interest in learning and have the same knowledge Back to the import of "Ahli Haps", these fish that came in didn't have clean bodies either.. Aren't ahli and fryeri both clean in body? I notice in the pic, the female has very similar markings to my O. lithobates markings? The ones that came into my hubbys shop also had the same markings.. about 3 spots on body and spotted up around dorsal area also... so what would it be in this case?
  19. Afrikan

    new fish

    Welcome to the forums Another CHCH fish person! Wow that club is going to be humming :lol:
  20. Hiya Welcome to the forums, would love to see some pics of your baby fighters when they are older
  21. I have seen the ones that have been imported as ahli haps.. bit suss looking in my opinion, some were bought through where my hubby works. Wished I had of taken pics of them now.. they almost looked like they had O. lithobates in them, due to the markings on the body.. up by the dorsal area and body spots... actually very similar or almost exactly like that female shown in auction pic..
  22. There is a big Plec out at my hubbys work, he's a bit of a monster actually, just a common old Plec, but very attractive fish.. so nice in fact that a fish person from England was visiting, he had been a judge for many years, he was in the Bay and went in to take a look at fish.. and he said the Plec was a very nice example for show purposes :lol: Actually there are a few larger ones around... we used to have a huge boy called Clarence...
  23. Afrikan

    New CHCHer

    Hi Milet Welcome to the forums
  24. A large species of Vallis Has taken a bit of a knocking tho, I had a large plec in there to keep the algae under control till we got our Tropheus duboisi.. so the Vallis is coming into it's own again And at the front is a big clump of Java Fern
  25. I am not big on tetra species.. but at a guess are they Long Finned Serpae Tetra???
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