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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Yeap Frenchy is bang on, import of them came in not so long ago
  2. There are different species of peacock Definately pays to do your homework on different ones available before you buy and make sure you buy from breeders that keep nice clean lines (Don't buy from a mixed peacock tank!) :-? And when buying from a store, it is always good buying from a store who is good at keeping species seperate, some are good, some not so good. I order in mine and pick them up still in their bags, straight from supplier, even tho the shop I go through is great with keeping peacocks etc seperate
  3. Oh awesome, I love apple snails however I don't keep them now, Africans are not overly good tank mates :lol: And they would have a field day in my planted tank
  4. Just having a laugh snookie.. :lol: Are they happy to deliver them? It is pretty straight forward and hubby said they have never had a dead one arrive
  5. Welcome to the forums I would love a cold water native marine.. I have heard that the anemones out at Pania Reef here are rather beautiful, colourful
  6. Actually no I haven't :lol: Enlighten me.. Does it involve wrapping a human up in damp news paper and shoving them in a rubbish bag? :lol:
  7. Afrikan

    Peacock ID

    Very pretty tho Ryan... Yeah a side on pic would be heaps better as Frenchy said Sometimes photos can be so deceiving, the pics you have sent the nose of the fish looks rather blunt, but that could just be angle and pic.. Where did you get them from Ryan, shop or breeder?
  8. They should be fine together, once again keep your Barbs in a reasonable school size and they will keep the nit picking amongst themselves Kuhlis are more so nocturnal feeders, however if you have shaded spots in your tank ie low lying crypts etc, they can come out to have a nosey... mine used to come out often when I would dim the tank lights at night.. very cute little critters
  9. Afrikan

    My new tank

    You've been told Caryl :lol: :lol:
  10. What the snail is going to freight the person?
  11. Apparently hubby said they get sent to them wrapped up in wet newspaper in a fish bag...
  12. Afrikan

    My new tank

    Crikey! Yes that is all I saw thank you Mr Jury... the tank that is! :lol:
  13. Afrikan

    Hybrid again

    Yeah I saw those disasters Ryan when I was last down that way, I recommended they would make great food for the big Aro... but all they go on about is the pretty colour.. :roll: :roll: But my way of thinking is, tough if they don't like what you have to say, they will get over it... and if they hear it enough, maybe oneday it might just sink in...
  14. Afrikan

    My new tank

    He sure did, I watched the big procedure on webcam! :lol: :lol: Good going Gannet, there was a sigh of relief this end when I finally saw it safe up on the stand!
  15. Well done, they look so nice and with their babies in tow
  16. There you go Janine... you shouldn't have anything after "jpg" Very nice pics This is my big boy Front... Little Fronts ...
  17. Afrikan

    Plecos galore

    If they were Gold Nuggets.. I wouldn't be complaining :lol: :lol:
  18. Columbian Tetra, my fav tetra of all Their colour when they mature is beautiful, bright metallic blue body with red/crimson finnage... Have a school of 16 and they are fabulous to watch, they were spawning the other day to
  19. Hi Guys Have updated pics of Tangy tank in Freshwater section.. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/updated-pics-of-tangy-tank-vt19449.html
  20. And here are updated pics of Dumerilli Angel tank.... Have a wee way to go, and a heap more ground cover plants to add and more vallis right along the back along with more Cabomba... as showing in pics, it needs another trim :roll: :lol: It shows a better pic of the Dum angels, than others I have put up, I am not exactly photographer material :roll: :lol:
  21. Hiya Here is updated pics... sorry for the odd blurred pic, having trouble with the camera lately, take note, you won't see too much of the frons, the pics were taken straight after tank rock work added so we weren't flavour of the month :lol: Sulky twirps :roll: :lol: The water is usually crystal clear, but showing as a big murky as we did a substrate clean and stirred it up. And their Malawi mate..
  22. If consignments of fish, that have come in under the same common name look different, then I would hope that people buying wouldn't mix them? If there is that much of a visual difference.. I think it comes down to common sense, but all in all, I to believe that no variant should be given if it clearly hasn't arrived into the country with one.. gee it is worrying enough at times with fish coming in under common names... As Stu stated:
  23. CRIKEY As African keepers we should be setting an example.. No way should these fish.... marlieri or transcriptus here in NZ be labelled anything other than just that.. they didn't come in as a certain variant so Tropheus it is wrong of you to label your marlieri as any such variant... Things like that can ruin it for other African keepers who try to do the right thing also... hardly fair when we all keep the same fish, it is only going to cause HUGE confusion to new parties who take on Africans :-?
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