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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. The male is around 4-5 inches.. and she's a fair bit smaller, seems to me like he is Alpha, he certainly calls the shots amongst the group.
  2. yeeeikes :lol: :lol: :lol: I have just noticed that the little females ovipositer is protruding, gee she's eager..
  3. :lol: :lol: Speaking from experience Tiden, was there room for improvement? :lol: :lol: :oops:
  4. For the last week I have had a male Fron digging a huge pit, he's been hard at work stone spitting and he has set his sights on a female I presume.. who seems to sit to the side of the rock and the odd time he checks out to see if she is still there and gives her a curry up with shimmers and tail slaps.. trying to entice her into his lair... gee talk about getting good practice before he actually is of age to be going through with the deed :roll: :lol:
  5. Awesome little set up Paul, now it's a case of ho hum huh
  6. Hiya Danz.. Alot of LFS supply Aqua One tanks.. good luck and keep us posted with your fish venture
  7. Afrikan


    Great to see you back and so sorry to hear of your loss.. Animals are so easy to get attached to huh.. glad you have your fish interest creeping back
  8. I think there is a guy floating around this way that keeps 2 black Aros... hmmm something is ringing a bell.. Love this following link of Aro's in action breeding..
  9. Afrikan

    algae eater

    Borneo suckers would be a great addition to the tank as Fishkeepa suggested, they actually prefer the lower temperatures and like a good water flow... they actually are not as long lived in a warmer tank. Plecs, I know of a guy who keeps 2 large plecs in his outdoor pond all year round... he acclimatized them from a large Juv size, and in winter time they sit around his massive pond pump for warmth... And in summer time they just go nuts feeding on all the algae, this is a huge pond. I wouldn't myself keep them in an a pond outside in winter, but I have kept them in a tank inside with no heater, however, our house doesn't get overly cold.
  10. Afrikan

    eye problem..

    Hasn't had a knock by anything does it, is the eye clear or starting to cloud over? I recently had two big peacock boys scrap out over god knows what (no females in the tank) :roll: One of the boys ended up with skin damaged around the eye, and it almost looked like it was peeling around the edges of the eye, and his eye was clouded over a bit, but hes on the road to recovery.. I have never had this problem with any other cichlids however, so sorry can't say if it is related to illness etc I have read however that a break down of the slime coat can let bacteria get in around the eye area and it can start to break the skin down. I would just keep an eye and if it gets worse then deal with it in hospital tank as you said.
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: I am sure the females were flocking at the door :lol:
  12. I just edited my post above Doesn't look too bright in your pic, they should settle in and feel fine and dandy, keep us posted anyway and also keep us posted on your new additions eventually
  13. We keep a number of different Africans, and none have shown sensitivity to light, however, if it is really bright as in "really in your face" kinda bright, then they may not like it. None of our lights on the Af tanks are overkill as such with brightness They possibly may settle into your tank and adjust to the lighting tho, since they have only been in the tank since earlier today, if they continue to follow the same behaviour pattern tho, I would definately look at changing it. Just looking at your pic tho in other thread, it looks fine to me, maybe they are just settling in, and feel a little more secure with just the room lighting, but when the tank light goes on it is a different story and they may feel more vulnerable...
  14. Awesome, another African keeper
  15. Welcome to the forums Sounds like you are getting majorly hooked! Are you going to upgrade your size tank at any stage as you sure have some large size family members in that tank I would transfer the fry as soon as you can really, convict parents can cut up rather nasty more so when the fry start to travel around the tank more.. usually very good parents and very protective.. How do your Frons get on with the tank mates? And your lobster and cray wouldn't have anything to do with your missing fish would they? Anyway, glad ya joined the forums and congrats on being first time fish parents
  16. I used to keep mine in a nice big cube tank, with a big slate wall built up, with the whole back half stones and substrate and the odd rock for them to sit up on, and the front a water area with a piece of mangrove root (wood) coming up out of the water up the wall so they used it as a climbing area to get out, looked really natural, I had Japanese Rush growing in clumps out of the substrate and the newts love climbing up it and sitting amongst the leaves... wish i had taken a pic of the set up, sadly I never did tho :-? One of those things you kick yourself for later :roll: :lol:
  17. Yeah the white ones will be infertile and the orangey clear ones fertile.. however, some fertile eggs can turn white with fungus...
  18. Ooooo I missed the eggs!!! Hey congrats, bet you are on cloud 9
  19. Yeah pays to be careful with that, I have noticed rather a few on TM over the times that are wrongly named and unfortunately sometimes you don't get an overly nice response from people when you try and correct them, and they still continue to sell the fish as what they first stated.. :-? However there are people out there that have bought a fish from a store or person, never really asked the ID.. so go searching on the net.. and it's the old case of "oh it looks kinda like that, well thats what I have then"... :roll: that happens alot. Always pays to be aware huh
  20. I would say it is not big enough to sex at this stage
  21. Oh wicked photo :lol: Ok now where is the picture of Brad snorkelling? :lol:
  22. Great to see you reached here Tasha
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