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Everything posted by Afrikan

  1. Afrikan

    bargain syno

    They are a nice Syno, I have one , and it's a Vermiculated Cat, they like small fish as in for breakfast :lol: and they can be territorial, would suit a larger cichlid tank
  2. Are you meaning a Calico fantail (goldfish)? Seems a bit odd that she acts that way, maybe shes a bit under the weather?
  3. Afrikan

    Fluval 103

    A CF 1200 is adequate for the size tank, and if you want to go a bit heftier then a Aquis 2200 is good... An Aquis 2400 might just be a little overkill, however, depending on what you are using it for, 2400 would be good if you are going to have a large bio load... they are a very big filter and have room for a HEAP of media and very powerful. Just pays to think about how much water flow you want buzzing through your tank also. We have two 2400 Aquis running on our 900 litre Tangy tank... and just one alone is rated for an 800 litre tank. But I am one for loving heaps of filtration and have the spray bars adjusted so that the water flow is just steady, no rapids going on :lol:
  4. I have had 2 male bristles fight over night once and this is in a densely planted and wooded up 5ft tank.. sadly the non dominant male was a bit worse for wear and passed on... Have never had this happen again between males, just the odd niggle but nothing serious. The rogue Bristle killer, is now on his own with 3 females :lol: :lol:
  5. What sort of loaches do you have? You don't happen to have Skunk Loaches do you by any chance??? And also swordtails I have witnessed before harrasing fish tails, they can be fair devils
  6. Afrikan


    Welcome to the forums and great to see you are back into it again then huh
  7. zenepitz has great quality fish and his fryeri are excellent
  8. Afrikan


    You gotta heap of sumps to fill huh Faran :lol:
  9. Afrikan

    Time Zone

    Yeah thanks for that Alan, I wouldn't have even known to do it had you not have mentioned it :lol:
  10. Afrikan

    Green Poo??

    Yeah I feed Spirulina to my Mbuna and they pass green movements..
  11. I have kept both.. the Jebo tanks with built in filter system and Aqua One tanks also with the built in filter system... I go with Aqua One hands down.. a step above in quality that's for sure, and I am speaking from experience with keeping the both... I have kept my Aqua One tank, got rid of the two Jebo. However, even with the in built filter systems, I always still run a cannister underneath to, as I like the idea of having two filtration systems running, especially incase the pump on the inbuilt one ever fails, at least I have the external cannister running underneath while I get pump replacement and I always think, ya never can have too much filtration JMO
  12. No the pair did come in from the supplier, as it was pointed out by owners daughter when I went down there the week after their fish order came in. They also sell for the same price around other stores, have seen them on the lists I had actually said to them a trip prior that I had some nice coloured fryeri males for cheap available that they were keen on, and the daughter actually rolled her eyes at the fact that someone had ordered the pair off the list later on down the track, as they like male Afs only due to colour apparently :lol:
  13. Is it the Palmerston Store? I know they got a pair in off the suppliers list, worked out to $90 each so they thought they would sell the two together as a pair for $180.
  14. The ones for $180 per pair would have come from suppliers (imports) maybe the cheaper ones up there are privately bred?
  15. My cat looks at fish food like its utter muck, however he is an Ocicat and thinks he is the most important thing out :roll: :lol: But then the little creep will happily wrap his lips around a water rat :roll: :-? :lol:
  16. How big are they? Have they bred? etc... I presume you are talking about fryeri? I reckon it is far better keeping fryeri in a harem... 3 females to one male... are they only selling them in a pair?
  17. Yeah they both look like females to me also... I currently have a large pair of Kribs.. and his belly does go red also when they are in breeding mode, however not the full belly just patches, he is far different in shape, alot longer in the body, pointed dorsal and doesn't have a gut like a vietnamese pot belly pig :lol:
  18. You are onto it Alan :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. Dwarf Puffers can be just as damaging :lol: I haven't seen the Dwarf Puffers on the lists up this way since the ones that last came into my hubbys work, which was about a year ago.
  20. Afrikan

    New person

    Welcome to the forums
  21. That's what I wondered about to Alan, seems a bit weird aye... apparently tho from this particular Asian supplier, they don't get issued any Sci names tho.. odd aye :-? I had noticed on the lists tho that only some have references to Axelrod and others haven't so maybe only some come in with info and they use the reference and others don't....?
  22. Sounds like you have a naughty Male there
  23. I used to have the Indian Dwarf Puffers and I tried them in a nice planted community tank to see how they would settle in and hell.. what a nightmare :lol: They are major little fin nippers and the plants gave them even more of an advantage to ambush any passer by :lol: :lol: They are definately well worth the effort tho if you want to keep them, but I wouldn't suggest to anyone that they go in with anything other than themselves and maybe a bristlenose or two..
  24. Hubby spoke with one of the main fish suppliers this morning re: varieties coming in... The importer (won't name) said that most consignments coming in from the Asian suppliers that export to NZ don't send fish with Sci names just straight common names.... :-? hmm would be awesome if they could use Asian suppliers that Frenchy refers to huh He said Europe on the other hand, are a totally different kettle of fish, they are far more thorough and they arrive with Scientific names, info etc.... Those Leptos look like nice fish...
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