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    Auckland, New Zealand

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  1. I got some from hollywood with my pond filter, they had a variety of different sizes. Maybe give them a call?
  2. Dwarf Gourami's tend to be more agressive than the larger ones
  3. It can be the gourami's, Both the fighters and gourami's are labyrinth fish and tend to not get along, that could also be the reason why the male died as the paradise fish are also labyrinth fish.
  4. Good single player rpg's etc Looking forward to The elder scrolls: skyrim and assassins creed revalations.
  5. Not fighter fish fruju, Both gourami and betta's are bubblenesters and will most definatly end up with the fighterfish killed.
  6. I see that :rotf: , but looking at the price of the book, im sure it's going to go for more than that, Was asking for people's opinions. :happy1:
  7. Searching on trademe i found an auction for this African Cichlid Book, Is it worth buying?. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=404772965
  8. At the end of the day, these opportunities only work out every now and then, and can't be a Sure thing.
  9. i've had females who have been on the brink of death, like basically floating, i did 1/5 waterchanges each day, seperated her in a breeding trap, and left her alone, 3 days later she was perfect, her eye even healed back to full use.
  10. Definatly worth getting new species into the country, gotta keep the hobby growing, and i can understand your theory with the splitting of money and fish between a group, like if there was only say 2males out of a group of 20fish, who would get the males? it would not end in a good way. It is an uncertain way of how it will turn out well, easiest way in my opinion, and correct me if im wrong, would be to get them through LFS, but once again that is not a definate way of saying you will get the fish or not.
  11. and this is where the problem comes in that not enough people are willing to get together and share the load, the more people means less money to be paid between each person, which ends in everyone getting there fish at a price much cheaper than one person doing it by themselves.
  12. It happens alot, that you put in the time and offer your interest but never get anywhere with it, in the end it comes down to the few people who ruin it for the rest of us, I for one would like to get the fish in and breed them for everyone to enjoy.
  13. Awesome looking Discus there, The male looks good, Best of luck with the rest.
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