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Everything posted by Zev

  1. It's called Nature's Place now - that is why you cannot find it! http://www.facebook.com/pages/Natures-Place/186208771430738 And watch the pink bird in the cage, it bites hard... :-?
  2. For goodness sake, turn the predictive text off your iPad! Actually - leave it on, I like deciphering what you are trying to say!
  3. The Pak n Save here did a nice grape juice in a clear wine bottle under the name Rose River Estate, it was $2.99. (It looked just like a Rosē wine, so I was lucky one of the kids noticed it was sparkling grape juice)
  4. Uh-oh... http://shop.countdown.co.nz/Shop/ProductDetails?Stockcode=265829&name=nestle-south-african-chocolate-bar-peppermint-crisp
  5. Flippin heck, why don't you just call it cholesterol on a plate disguised as a tart *adds ingredients to shopping list...
  6. Fine - give us the recipe - I am sure another fattening tart won't make much difference on the day! :-?
  7. Argh... stop talking about the peppermintchrisp tert... or I will have to ban you as Cricketman suggests! !drool:
  8. She could make it out of this recipe: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/home/you/article-1059850/Girdlebuster-pie.html?printingPage=true Probably not too good for little kids with the coffee and alcohol, but I am sure Caryl could find some 'guinea pigs' to try it...
  9. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Anyone heard from mcrudd since the cat glaring incident - I am beginning to get a bit worried...
  10. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    mcrudd... are you still with us? Did you survive the night?
  11. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Hmmm... wouldn't be too sure, it looks awfully like the 'lure them into a false sense of security, then... ' glare to me.
  12. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Oh yeah, that is a good cat glare. So where are you sleeping tonight in case she want's to exact some revenge? :nilly:
  13. I would second Coburg Aquarium - very droolworthy. Be careful at the Melbourne Aquarium, if they still have the ride thing, don't go on that if you want to go back and look at things, you can only exit through the gift shop once you have been on the ride.
  14. Zev

    Hi :)

    Good spotting!
  15. Whilst the wages sound good compared to here, it would probably be best to get a job sorted over there before you shift. A friend has just been over to Melbourne to see here daughter and said the price of food over there has crept up over the last year and is horribly expensive. Step Daughter went over to Queensland with her BF and could not find a job for months, she has a degree in Design, the BF managed to get a bunch of part time jobs working in the likes of Rentravision, because he had worked for them over here. We got the 'Daaaad... can I have some money I need $1k to get my car fixed...' and stuff every now and then. He started a degree in video when she finally got a job. They stayed over there for a few years but are back now and living in Auckland while BF finishes his second course at Media Design School, then they are looking at shifting to Wellywood. They came back because it was costing too much for his further education over there, and she ended up hating the place. Oh, and they bought their cats back with them, two spoilt Ragdolls.
  16. Is this an Amano tank? The one thing you have to remember is that the lighting he uses for the photographs is not the same as those that are on the tank normally, so what you see in most of his photographs is not how they look most of the time.
  17. Zev

    Hi :)

    Hi, and welcome!
  18. I beg to differ, but that is another argument...
  19. How much do you want to spend and what sort are you after - In ear, Supra-aural, Circumaural, closed back, open back? I have AKG K512 Circumaural closed back, but I only use them at my computer - would look a bit naff walking around with them on my head! The Skullcandys my daughter had karked it as well.
  20. Zev


    I would prefer to use these over Meth Blue for eggs to stop them going furry!
  21. Zev


    ok, what about this one? Leaf shape is totally different on this one to the one I found the other day shown below Cone differences - first ones I found on left, new ones on right
  22. ROFLMAO Sophia, you always make me smile with your posts :happy2: :happy1:
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