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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Ahhh, but you know naughty boys don't always get what they want! And no amount of tanty packing will aid your case - I have teenagers and a ten year old, so am immune 8)
  2. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Fine, no cat for you! May have to set up some remote controls and mechanics for one of LA's sharks he has hanging around...
  3. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Anthony - behave yourself, 27cm is the legal size and I am sure that the Rudds measured it correctly, what you say may be in jest, but can still be upsetting none the less. Don't make me break out the angry cat...
  4. Have a read here http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1513
  5. Probably more stress and aggravation resetting a poorly maintained tank - since there is existing livestock it has to be done quickly and there is little margin for error. How much work to maintain the existing tank? This depends on the condition of the rock in the first place, if it is riddled with unwanted organisms and nitrate/phosphate, then it may take some constant attention to get it to a fairly stable state. Also try and avoid the ph altering additives that go with the tank, there are better ways to stabilise the water. At least starting from scratch you know what you are getting and don't have to work around what is already existing, and you can take your time to get all the parameters right before you even attempt to start stocking it with fish that you have researched well and chosen for yourself.
  6. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    It pays to spread the grumpyness around sometimes... Can't have Anthony hogging it all! :nilly:
  7. Gum Emperor Moth - I think once they pupate they mate, lay eggs if female, then kark it, not a particularly long life span.
  8. The fish pics aren't too bad at all, you just need to take a whole heap to get one with the annoying moving fish in focus! I like your cardboard box scape, have done the same myself with a rock hardscape. Unfortunately I am back in Kiwiland now, but I can tease you with this pic from one of the fish shops in Hong Kong...
  9. It is up to the clubs to provide me with the correct information for the main site, if the details are not correct, can they please be forwarded to me asap.
  10. Just make sure that whoever you use have a good reputation for making tanks, just because they are glaziers does not make them an expert at making tanks. 300 odd litres of water on your office floor is not a good look for your business, and if it is in public view the safety of your clients is also a concern.
  11. Fish Street or Goldfish Street as it is known is in Tung Choi Street in Mong Kok, it is two streets over from Nathan Road to the east. It is a good 25min walk from Tsim Sha Shui, or if you are feeling really lazy you can take the MTR (Mass Transit Railway) from Tsim Sha Shui to Mong Kok in about five mins.
  12. Only if you want some overseas site visitors to see them, LA Fine... have shifted back to NZ blueether. The variety of aquatic plants available in Hong Kong is rather mouthwatering, though
  13. Damnit - all I see are frozen frogs and no sharks! from http://www.ditii.com/2011/03/06/imageshack-serving-frozen-frog-blocking-certain-countries Seems that the photo host you are using LA have been up to no good and are forcing registrations in order for people to view the images - this is done on a country basis, and where I am at the moment I am not permitted to see the images, I will not be registering either myself or the domain in order to view them either. :-?
  14. Or... One small Gladware container or small container from the supermarket deli - punch some small holes in the top, but not too many and not so large that fruitflies can get in. One WeetBix Add warm water and mix to a not too stiff paste - will firm up when the Weetbix absorb the water. Very small pinch of yeast, such as Elfin or Edmonds that comes in a box with sachets in - snip the corner and sprinkle a bit into the palm of your hand to avoid putting too much in the mix. Put a peg on the top of the packet when finished and store in the fridge. Stir Add worms from previous culture - no need to mix in, and make sure the mix is not too hot our you will kill them and the yeast. Sit in a warm place - mine live on the glass top of a tank next to the light, or in the hot water cupboard. When they are breeding prolifically they will begin to crawl up the side of the container. I use a small paint brush to brush them off the side of the container to feed out.
  15. How to post pics here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?t=2406
  16. You know you are going to traumatise Ira with cute kid pics, don't you?
  17. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1732 Err, 8mm will give you a safety factor of 12.3 - 3.8 is the commonly accepted safety factor.
  18. Psssttt... Supasi - can you tell Ira has no kids?
  19. Did you do a duckweed test by itself? I am sure I can find some duckweed to send to you if you like it that much and it does not make you itchy!
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