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Everything posted by Zev

  1. This month our meeting focuses on how to culture live food. Meetings are held at the National Aquarium of New Zealand in the Education Room to the right of the main doors. 7.30pm All welcome.
  2. Hmmm... wonder if our little garden can handle a big pumpkin plant?
  3. That is definitely not the best way to get a closer look at a stream... Glad you managed to walk away from it.
  4. ok, Buttercups are cheap and very mature (unlike the ones you get at Christmas) - half of one in the oven as I type for pie making tomorrow!
  5. Is this in a tank that is already running or is the rock dry? Can you post a pic? Also forgot to ask when I shifted this from the Wanted to buy section if it was freshwater or saltwater?
  6. Zev

    Rock from the sea

    .... must ... restrain ... self from making facetious comment about LA suggesting our members run around with no pants on carrying a rock ... :tears: What sort of setup are you looking at?
  7. Love the names Mrs Mikey! Now you've done it, you know they will be the longest lived captive inanga now that you have said that, don't you?
  8. I got the first four right then the site died on me!
  9. I have never had them raise fry successfully in a community tank, only raised some that I took out as I mentioned earlier. The male would chase and beat up the female regardless - nest or no nest, then when he went all dark around the face and lower chest and started showing off his manly prowess, she would sidle up to him and they would spawn :-?
  10. Have not heard about the sterilisation bit, what has been happening of late until recently is that only males are available for sale. You cannot tell if a male is sterile, best course of action is to see what happens. How large is your tank? These gourami can be very aggressive to co specifics, especially the female, so offer plenty of plants for them to hide in or they will get beaten up. The females usually do not show much colouration, blue bars show faintly over the dull grey if anything. They can hold all of the colour morph genes - red, blue and classic striped, so it is a bit pot luck what you get when they breed. If you see them breeding the best course of action if you wish to raise the fry is to remove the bubble nest after they have finished by scooping the whole thing up in a container that you can float in the tank too keep the temp the same as the main tank. After they have hatched and are a few days old you can put them in a tank that you have setup with a sponge filter and a low water level to grow them out. Beware - my first spawn saw me feeding and raising about 80 fry on Liquifry then BBs for weeks!
  11. Hmmm... and she was blaming the osteopath! :slfg:
  12. http://www.facebook.com/baycityrollershb There were some vids but I cannot find them.
  13. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Just spent ages looking at Business Cat pics instead of doing water changes - thanks Sophia, this is all you fault!
  14. Little Dragon Wrasses are very cute, their other common name is Rockmover Wrasse! There was one at Wonderworld in Rotorua last year when we had a look in there on the way back from conference.
  15. Nice pics, our local team are the Bay City Rollers, they did a calendar for fundraising last year and made quite a few thousand dollars out of it.
  16. Ooohhh... you found one! Balistoides conspicillum - dunno about this bit though...
  17. Tweezers and patience, lot of muttering... Oh and don't gravel vac! Once it starts spreading in the substrate it should stay there.
  18. The only one I have used is an Ibico - it is rather aged and I think the rollers are a bit cooked as it puts weird ripples through the last third of an A3 as it goes through and makes the black look patchy. It has a temperature dial that you have to set and the heat depends on the thickness of the laminating pouches. So if you are going to ask if you can have a test with one, take a really saturated black printout to see how it handles it. One thing I have noticed is that you cannot impede the thing being laminated as it exits the machine or it will retain the curl/bend as it cools.
  19. From: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1513 You will only need a light over your sump if you plan on putting micro algae in there. My sixline has never pestered my shrimp, but they were of reasonable size and not smaller than an inch long when I introduced them - have never had crabs Clowns do not need an anemone to survive, they will however host anything that takes their fancy in the absence of one, such as Euphyllia or Sarcophyton. Don't know about the turbo snails, but my Astreas never seemed to hinder the growth of coraline algae in my tank, as long as my strontium and calcium levels were adequate it would grow quite happily with the snails. HTH
  20. Mothers can be pretty formidable if you use their grater, leave grated ox heart on it until it dries up and the flies start hanging around it because you didn't clean up afterwards... :-?
  21. Are you talking about Eleocharis acicularis? http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=798 It grows to different heights depending on tank conditions and needs a good deep substrate covered with fine to medium stones. I have had it grow to 140mm under high light, ferts and C02 and spread like a weed. In high light tanks without constant ferts and no C02 it grows shorter. The floating strand problem usually only occurs when you try and trim it like a lawn, but if you leave it for a while you can scoop it off with a fine fish net. In saying that there are still dehydrated and dead strands stuck to the top of the back of my tank, but they do not bother me. And stupid fish like to hide in it when you traumatise them by taking the lid off the tank...
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