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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Java Fern, Microsorum pteropus is good as well in low light conditions. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=933
  2. Where abouts are you in New Zealand? If you add your location to your profile someone local may be able to help. Where did you buy your tank from? If it is from the local fish shop you may be able to go in and ask them to show you how it is set up if they have one on display.
  3. Zev

    Guess what I found?

    Do you really think wearing one of those is going to help? And did you buy one?
  4. :rotf: Oh - you have never seen their garage? The Chrysler lives in the garage, the younger cars are relegated to survive out in the elements!
  5. That is not a very good photo of the hedgehogmobile - you need to post one where you can see all the aerials better!
  6. No, that would only be if you were feeding them to kiwis, Ira!
  7. it just says 'kiwi' on the label!
  8. My freshies love the marine pellets. There is no mention of salt on the label, but it does contain kiwi
  9. Can we keep the personal digs out of this please, I do not want to have to start dishing out warnings for breaking the forum rules.
  10. Looks like it is in the tank sitting on a leaf!
  11. The article is on the main site: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=1868
  12. So that people do not have heated discussions in new member's threads. Ant, you want trainer wheels with that?
  13. Ummm... she only does it in the middle of the night when we are trying to get to sleep!
  14. I have locked this thread if you wish to further discuss tank cycling, please do so in the thread created for this purpose in the freshwater section. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=57584
  15. This thread has been created for members to discuss tank cycling.
  16. Our cat runs around with a little knitted hedgehog making noises like it is the most magnificent kill.
  17. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=856 It would appear so.
  18. The leaves look too pointed for val, and there seem to be too many leaves originating from the base, but there again I could be wrong.
  19. The Hawke's Bay Aquarium Society will be having it's annual Tank and Pond Crawl this Sunday 3 March. This will commence at 10.00am at the National Aquarium of New Zealand, Marine Parade, Napier. All welcome, help us judge our tank and pond competition. Please post here if you want any further information.
  20. http://www.boprc.govt.nz/knowledge-centre/fact-sheets/pest-plant-fact-sheets/ http://www.boprc.govt.nz/environment/pests/pest-plants-and-weeds/
  21. Depends on which product you are talking about, I should have put Flourish Excel in my post, the recommended dosage being 5ml for 200l daily or every other day Flourish Comprehensive or just plain Flourish (the brown stuff) has a dosage rate of 5ml for 250l once or twice a week.
  22. What sort of dosage were you doing Lindy? I dose 7mls in a 64l tank daily and no meltage. It probably won't handle a triple dose, though.
  23. Just curious to know how you are measuring that you are maintaining the required ppt when you redose and not overdosing?
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