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Everything posted by Zev

  1. it would also depend on how good your computer screen is as well. I got 7
  2. Probably best done with a pair of tweezers and just pushing them into the substrate, rather than trying to dig a little hole, place the plant, try and cover the roots and then watch it start floating away when you are meticulously trying to place the next one... :-?
  3. When you come to the next HBAS meeting remind me to get my other half to tell you about a bbq on a coldstore building site that he attended Graham...
  4. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    Going to clean my tanks before Jennifer gets here on Wednesday :nilly: Then I had better get the kids to muck out the car and tidy the living room (most of the mess is theirs anyway) before Jennifer gets here... Arrghhhhh....
  5. I have added the account details and cost of different memberships to the NZKA section, if you cannot access this and are a financial member from last year please let me know and I will sort it out. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=53&t=58282 Information can also be found here: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?p=457 and you can download an application form if you are not a current member.
  6. Depends on if you live in Wobblyville and the supply chain is broken, you can more easily acquire wood to burn than special little pellets, and I would imagine some of them down there had no power for more than a few hours.
  7. We're working on that and the information should be on our main website late this year.
  8. Also if you run out of pellets you cannot burn anything else in there.
  9. Holey moley! That is waaaaayyyyyy down south! You could always carry Yindel around in a papoose
  10. Maybe we could have a chili cook-off at the AGM in Auckland next year?
  11. We've tried the Mulato before, but only got a few fruit off it and they weren't that mindblowingly hot. Might go for some of the evil F1 Hybrids and see how they go.
  12. Riiiiggghtttt... would like some of my taste buds intact after eating them, thank you very much :-?
  13. Hmmm... so which ones off that list would one recommend for Indian curries?
  14. Post it up here as a Jpeg it will be fine.
  15. You can enter frogs in the POTM comp
  16. This month we will be having a talk on planted aquaria by guest speaker Jennifer Hamlin, FNZAS President. We will also be having our Quality Breeders Competition this evening as well. All welcome. Meeting starts at 7.30pm The National Aquarium of New Zealand Marine Parade Napier
  17. Umm... the bit at the end where he hits the top of the tree and laughs maniacally is also a bit scary
  18. She did not say anything about eating too many easter bunnies, though...
  19. Zev

    The What's Up? thread.

    This one, Sam! http://www.fnzas.org.nz/?page_id=2730
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