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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The water needs to be acid for the copper to go into solution. I have seen cases of copper piping and hot water cylinders full of pin holes in areas of acid water---usually old swamp country. Sacrificial anodes of zinc are sometimes used in hot water cylinders to protect the copper so it can't be too toxic. I have used the white bait netting from fishing shops for making spawning traps and have never had a problem. Not sure what it is---may be aluminium alloy. Stainless is worth about $100 a square metre but would be the ultimate.
  2. That temperature is higher than that required to sanitise dishes in a commercial dishwashing machine in a restaraunt so a few minutes should do the job.
  3. It became French as well---looked like the hunch back of Notre Dame.
  4. When I had the albinos I rescued one from another's mouth and they were about the same size. The rescued one was never quite the same after that though. I just noticed two frogs feet sticking out of another's mouth.
  5. Redwood also imported bitaeniatum along with others.
  6. I am surprised that the small frog (whistler?) has survived with the larger one. My green and golds were quite happy to try and swallow their siblings that were the same size as them. Great pics though.
  7. Many people used the larger 50 or more litre containers on wheels from Bunnings etc after the quakes down here with no problems.
  8. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  9. If the prazi is in liquid form you will need to know what the concentration is. E.G. if it is a 50% solution w/v (50 grams/100 mls) then if you want 37.5 grams you will need to add 75mls of liquid, and if it is a 25%w/v stock solution you will need to add 150mls. The same principle will apply if you have it in tablet form as they will not be 100% active ingredient.
  10. It is called amplexus which is far more delicate than humping (latin word for cuddles)---the latins are very romantic as you know.
  11. Filters remove the bits of suspended solids and therefore clarify the water and gravel vacs remove the larger particles that have settled into the gravel. Filters also help to convert ammonia and nitrite to nitrate and reduce the toxicity in your tank. Water changes get to reduce everything else that you can't see, some of which may not be good for your fish.
  12. If the siluicone is failing I would pull the tank apart, clean off existing and reglue and seal it. Nothing worse than a nicely set up tank that comes apart and makes a mess and kills your fish.
  13. I know a guy who uses that water to breed cardinal tetras. It will pick up impurities from the air as will a fish tank with no lid or one with air pumped in to it. People use rainwater in fish tanks after it has scrubbed smoke out of the air. The better the quality of water added to marine tanks the better the result as I understand it.
  14. Check the feet to make sure they have shed properly as well. Keeping the hides moist will help them shed.
  15. Welcome and enjoy your time here in between looking after bubs.
  16. You need an ice cube after a hot curry
  17. I would try furan2 as it could be bacterial. Doesn't look like typical columnaris but is the nearest I can think of.
  18. A chicken with 6 legs would be worth a lot of money
  19. This must qualify for fluffington post.
  20. Nice looking tank and a couple of cardinals there as well.
  21. You would know that fish have a more advanced "self destruct button" than many other organisms. That is they rot a lot quicker when they die (have less shelf life in a freezer etc). The purpose for using them is that they produce ammonia as they decay so they are a source of ammonia rather than from a bottle. I said what I said in my previous posts because that is what I think and do and there is always more than one way to do things with fish keeping and the right way for you is what works best for you. I was simply pointing out why I do what I do.
  22. Welcome and enjoy your time here. Try to make sure there are not three fish feeders at work.
  23. I never open that sort of rubbish in case there is something nasty included in there that could make my computer unwell or too talkative.
  24. Some bacteria such as the food poisoning organism Clostridium perfringens can form spores but I am not aware that the bacteria we are encouraging are able to do that.
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