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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The other egg has just hatched and is a single---3 from 2 aint bad.
  2. Both eggs looked the same. I don't like to candle them.
  3. I had a pair of eggs in the incubator from a female leopard gecko that just started breeding this season. I looked at the eggs early this morning and a head was sticking out of one egg. I looked a few hours later and there was one egg still intact and two babies running about. A little smaller than usual but looking pretty normal and active. Has anyone else had twins? First time for me.
  4. If it is for bathrooms it will contain mould inhibitors. Hot glue gun is all right.
  5. My use of the word ferts was referring to that left behind by the cows.
  6. The nail holes in my feet make that a bit tricky.
  7. What usually happens is that the nitrate from excess farm fertilizers (applied at a greater rated than the grass can utilize) concentrates between the root zone and the water table, then goes in to the water table when it rises.
  8. If Christians follow the teachings of JC then what are they doing setting their values on the old testament which was the original Jewish teachings before JC came along and taught love not hate.
  9. All is forgiven. It is a barclaya which will flower under water and have viable seeds but it can take a long time (like a year) for the seeds to germinate. Barclaya will die off and come back later.
  10. Our club went through there a while ago and I was very impressed
  11. Sheryl had one which was quite good but a kid walked out in front of her and the impact wrote off the front end. She replaced it with another that is no good. Can't remember the brands.
  12. red or black ramshorn snails. When I was breeding seriously I frequently spawned corries in a bear tank then when they hatch I added other middle or top swimming fry. That worked well.
  13. Sorry if I sounded a bit cute. My point was that you have a very small load on the ferts with only 4 plants and it takes a while for them to become established and start taking up ferts so your ferts are feeding the algae. I would suggest lots more suitable plants and no ferts for a while.
  14. I have my reptiles in an insulated garage and the ambient is around 25c---most are hardly eating even though the thermostats are at 30c---obviously getting ready for brumation. Babies are still pigging out and have one female beardie looking like a bag of marbles.
  15. I bet you don't pull up your tomatoe plants and trim them once a week so why do it to your aquatic plants? Might I suggest that only having four plants, disturbing them regularly and adding fertilizers may be your problem. It takes a while for plants (undisturbed) to become established and start taking up fertilizers so with only a few plants you are only really fertilizing the algae.
  16. Moved into a motel now for 8 weeks while they do some repairs to the house. I put some computer cables, mobile phone and heaps of contact details in a carton to bring to the motel and they took it away in the truck and it is now in storage without access. We managed to pilfer bits between two computers and got one going. Need to go to the house to sort out reptiles a couple of times a day and today I get the OSH lecture from the builder. Fascinating times. At least we might have a better house in 8 weeks and may even be able to get a couple of tanks operating.
  17. I certainly was impressed when I visited
  18. There are many things in our history that have been hushed up I think. The way we encouraged islanders to come here and do the jobs "we" didn't want to when it was high employment then blamed them when it was high unemployment, and the way we treated the Chinese up until modern times. I laughed when the government apologised in Manderin and most of the Chinese who were affected spoke Cantonese. The Maori language which is taught is that from the North Island but Ngai Tahu don't use the "h". The whole Whanganui debate would not have been a problem around my back yard. I remember years ago being shown through a battery manufacturing plant and the only white person working there was the foreman. They were all Indian and Islanders and the guy showing us through was moaning about how it was so hard to get the Indians to wear gloves and they had all been issued with leather ones.
  19. alanmin4304

    Who am I 3?

    probably too busy pigging out on oysters, mutton birds and crays along with a speights.
  20. alanmin4304

    Who am I 3?

    Capt. Charles Upham
  21. I have never used melafix in my life and see no need to. What is the active ingrediant in the cure you are using? A number of drugs will fix white spot---methylene blue, malachite green, acriflavine, quinine, mepicrine, common salt etc. The spots you see are the drug resistant stage of the disease and your treatment kills the vegetative stage that emerges from the spots so you need to keep treating after the spots go away to make sure you get them.
  22. The original post about water rights is actually misleading. The fact that the owners can charge for the use of their lake is not a water right. A water right is issued by the Regional Council and any individual or group ( Including a maori tribe) can apply for a water right. I would therefore assume that some maori groups have been granted water rights as some pakeha groups have.
  23. A problem with some formulae is that they may have other additives such as stabilizers which will be diluted when you add water to the solution or the chlorine in your tap water could be a problem. Most of those sort of solutions are made up with distilled water. If you can it would be best to leave as is and measure a small amount. I still have many meds from way back and they will still be OK because they are in powder or tablet form.
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