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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I use grewacke cos thats what we have got.
  2. Another solution I have been advised of is that the main cause of cyano blooms is too much phosphate and not enough nitrate. Do water changes to strip PO4 and NO3 then bring NO3 up to 20ppm by adding nitrate. Haven't tried it but may have to yet.
  3. Offers to sell or give away prescription drugs might be better confined to PM.
  4. Usually the tabs are in 250 or 400mg. It is not too critical but I had 400mg tabs so a little over half in 100 litres. It does not disolve easily. It is probably open to debate and I have used it at 4ppm and again 3 days later at 4ppm but I suspect at that dose it may be giving the gram neg bugs in the filter a bit of a head ache. You do a water change 30-50% after day 3 and after day 9 and try to remove all the dead stuff you can to avoid NH3 spikes.
  5. If you use erythromycin you should use it properly. 2.5PPM day one, 2.5PPM day two and 2.5ppm day eight. Siphon up all the dead stuff you can otherwise it will get to cause an ammonia spike as the protein is broken down by the bugs in the filter. Cyano is gram negative and so are the bugs in the filter but the cyano is more sensitive to the erythromycin. ppm is grams per litre and erythromycin tabs are 250mg and 400mg I think. If you don't use it properly you will be selectively breeding a strain resistant to the antibiotic. Blue green algae can produce toxins under certain conditions and can be a problem in water supply reservoirs.
  6. Randy little teenager bursting with hormones. Them were the days.
  7. It does best in a fine (sand) substrate otherwise it is very hard to plant. It is usually grown emersed and plants are not easy to convert to submersed at this time of year. You could grow some emersed and keep taking a bit to transfer until you get it right. Plants get a lot less light when submersed and they need to be planted in very small clumps so as to get enough light then allowed to spread out with runners themselves.
  8. Erythromycin is a prescription only drug and my vet would not prescribe it.
  9. Erythromycin will control cyano but if you don't correct the balance in the water it will come back again. I am using SAT at the moment but I understand that it can take a while. The other thing that may work (used in fish ponds but I have not used it) is barley straw concentrate.
  10. I haven't seen dwarf hairgrass for a long time.
  11. What I do is nip the plant off near the bottm then plat the tips in front of the stumps so you don't see them and then in time you have a bunch of tips twice as thick as you originally had. You could pull up the whole plant, cut off the bottom and plant the growing tips again.
  12. I stand corrected. Take your pick, but the pet shop will only know it is a plant (maybe)
  13. Both trout and salmon need cold, clean highly oxygenated water and will not do well in a pond or fish tank.
  14. I think you will find that Blue and Kim is selling African water fern (Bolbitis heudelotti). There is a narrow leafed Java fern
  15. The 200000 comes from the other side of the brain and gave the same answer (after some practice) as the head of the science dept who don't like fish.
  16. 4% is normally 4%w/v, which is 4 grams/litre Try 4% x .1% x 200000 = 0.05mls of 4% Too late--fish are dead.
  17. I think it is wrong to encourage animals that are very efficient hunters to relocate closer to civilization. A falcoln in the bush is a beautiful thing but in town it is going to be a total pain. Some of the biggest conflicts Local Authorities have to deal with is between where Rural zoned land and Residential meet. Horses scratching on corrigated iron fences at 4am, cows driven up the rd to milking and back twice a day, pig manure spread as fertilizer, bird scarers going boom etc. I would have no problem with a falcon taking out a pidgeon on a short cut home through the bush but encouraging them to be in conflict with us and our animals is like letting man eating tigers loose to control rabbits. Keep the falcons up the mountains and encourage them to stay there I think.
  18. .4 x .01 x 200000 = 0.5 = 0.5mls That is what comes from using the other side of the brain. Go lefty. What are you dosing?
  19. Thankyou for the info, that was just what I was after. Cheap knockoff but probably almost as good and half the price.
  20. There was one many years ago in the zoo at Brighton owned by Bill Grey snr. In a small enclosure that used to bring a few complaints.
  21. You guys never heard of the Wharehouse?
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