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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Main thing is to keep the leaves out of the media.
  2. They are food safe so should be OK. Would pay to keep it in the dark to avoid algae growth.
  3. They can brumate for 4 months without losing any weight.
  4. alanmin4304


    Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  5. Red ears are not socially well adjusted (to put it politely)
  6. It will vary a lot depending on the size for one thing. I have some small females that have always been like that and any more weight would make them obese. In fact they are looking very obese at the moment because they are full of eggs. They look liker a bag of marbles. If they are not well fed when young they will not be any more than small, but if overfed or fed the wrong food they can become obese.
  7. They will survive but they will probably loose their leaves then regrow them. When crypts are imported they usually only have one or two leaves in order to identify them. They have usually been grown emersed and will lose their leaves when submersed. The plant is still viable.
  8. You said you had purchased a new lot of KNO3 so I assumed you were using it as a source of nitrate. My comment was to point out that if you did use it the amount of phosphate in it was minute and since plants need some phosphate as well as nitrate it would hardly make a difference.
  9. Get a painted turtle or go in for lizards.
  10. Algae problems are often caused by an excess of phosphate over nitrate so I wouldn't have thought that a solution of your nitrate at a teaspoon to a glass of water which is only giving 5ppm in amongst all that nitrate. Plants need phosphate and that is a very small amount. I would doubt that is the cause of the algae. Many cheap fish foods will leave a residual of phosphate.
  11. Are you after babies or breeders? It is not the time of year where there are a lot for sale.
  12. It is effective in slowing the spread of fungus on infertile eggs on to fertile eggs. It stains the silicone and does not have any effect on plants. I used to remove the eggs to a separate small tank with an airstone so plants were not a worry. You can buy it from the local petshop I think. I used to hatch without the blue unless I was having problems with fungus. If all the eggs fungus they are probably not fertile.
  13. My partner is in to them and it seems they have various requirements and seasonal requirements. There are some good books in the library which may help you pick what you want. We are debating getting a terrarium set up to keep a few varieties. They don't really feed through the roots so I would think there would be more suitable plants out there.
  14. The three types of frogs you can legally keep in NZ are all strains and Litoria tree frogs.
  15. I had green and golds and used to bromate them without a hassle.
  16. Best to calibrate the new one as well unless you are sure it is what you want
  17. What you do is lift the button, then place the heater in water of a known temperature, leave it long enough to get to that temperature, set the dial to that temperature then push the button down. It is then calibrated and should give you the temperature you set it at, taking into account the hysterersis which is probably about one degree each side of what it is set for.
  18. I think that the most frustrating thing is that when you go somewhere you will probably have to go another way than you usually do, even if you only went there the day before. I guess it does mean that the powers have come down from cuckooland and are doing repairs so eventually things will return to normal. I wouldn't advise holding your breath.
  19. There are a number of aquatic plants called pennywort but some plants don't like excel and yours is probably one of them.
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