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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Wouldn't be much of a breeder if they put the hatchlings in with much bigger ones. I have never had hatchlings the same size scrap.
  2. I would try sand, and if they germinate transplant them into a richer medium also with good light. Works with some Echinodorus sp. and Apoogetons like crispus. Too rich a media will cause a lot of algae problems in the water so you will have to feel your way a bit. Will they grow emersed? If so that would be easier still.
  3. I am sure the price will come down as it has with beardies but it will take time. Lets face it--- One can only breed with the stock that is available in the country so I hope people do that and out breed as much as is possible with such limited stock when the chance arrives..
  4. Never seen that before in babies. Have had a male who got his fingernailsnails trimmed by a female with a headache. When they grow back they are a lot bigger and a different colour.
  5. I have not grown lotus from seed but would be tempted to put some in a shallow dish under good light.
  6. It speeds everything up including (unfortunately) diseases and death.
  7. Realy fancy females help as well.
  8. I agree with Navarre. A filter and or an airstone allows you to load the tank above a natural level. Cosidering that you can get over a million bacteria on a pinhead, there will be heaps of nitrifying bacteria in a tank without a filter. Having a filter encourages more bacteria because of the continuous flow of food (until most people over clean it). An airstone increases the surface area and allows some overstocking of fish. An unfiltered, unaerated planted tank is fine provided it is not over stocked with fish. I have a number of unfiltered, unaerated and unplanted tanks that are lightly stocked with fish and they are fine.
  9. unusual for a soft bill to beat up on a hook beak but anything is possible when territory is being scrapped over I guess.
  10. The price will come down but I don't think they will be anything like overseas prices for quite some time (unless the Maf have a rush of blood and allow imports)
  11. You should have a non return valve on the system.
  12. I understand that it is not them eating fruit that is the problem. It is them taking nectar and being far more aggressive than any native nectar feeders.
  13. They may be capable of producing the number of eggs stated but I don't think they are producing many per clutch at present, hence there are not many around.
  14. If you did the outside as I hope you did, when the paint is dry, which should not be very long with a spray can.
  15. A lot of the plants are miss named anyway so could be interesting. Amulia is not normally grown emersed so would not be as esy to grow commercially as most plants.
  16. Maf are so inconsistant as with hybrid fish imports. Be interested to see what interpretation the Regional Council puts on it. The problems caused by idiots releasing pets eh?
  17. She still has all the marbles even if one runs under the bed now and again.
  18. I found with heat pads that the temperature depends a lot on what is in contact with it and how well the heat can escape. I tried using one when breeding locusts and successfully cooked the eggs.
  19. alanmin4304


    Snail rid is copper sulphate and I am paranoid about copper around killies after I killed about 300 N. guentheri with one seventh of the maximum dose of chelated copper sulphate (it is copper sulphate in aqueous solution with citric acid added and that slows up the absortion through the gills and makes it less toxic but also makes it less effective on what you are trying to kill.) Formalin is an aqueous solution of formaldehyde and is usually sold at 35 % w/v. It is used to control footrot in sheep and will be available from a vet. I used analar grade when I was importing and when breeding but it is very expensive. There is a white precipitate that can form on the bottom of the bottle which is very toxic to fish so decant it rather than shaking the bottle. I got some from the vet to get rid of planaria about a year ago. It will also kill planaria but at that dose it is toxic to fish and plants also. (double the dose ---12mls/100litres.
  20. Will go visit mine today---96 not out.
  21. The words mean what the words say. They don't say anything about loris other than rainbows.
  22. alanmin4304


    You wont get it from feeding bbs (though it would keep them well fed) it must have come from live food like daphnia or infusoria. Formalin will kill it too but can be a bit nasty. 6mls of 35% formalin in 100 litres then siphon bottom in 24 hours. Formalin at that rate should be safe with fish and plants (I have used it and it was Ok on a mix of fundulapanchax females) but it can be nasty stuff. The electric current only produces copper ions in solution and I wouldn't go near killies with copper ions.
  23. What are you doing for ventilation?
  24. I don't know. I have never seen it.
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