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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. The parliamentarians who make the rules know what a goldfish is but have no idea about a fresh water ray.
  2. Or ammonia or both. Is the tank heavily stocked?
  3. When the present code of practice was being sorted for fresh water tropicals I discussed it with some of the top guys from Maf and they were considering allowing the importation of eggs which would be hatched and raised by Maf. To me this had too many pitfalls to consider.
  4. Maf banned the importation of goldfish after they found a bacteria on goldfish imported to Australia from Singapore that they thought was a threat to trout and salmon. Can't remember what it was but that was the reason given to me.
  5. All barbs can be a bit nippy but cherries are a lot less than some in my experience.
  6. Is it just a colour morph or a leucistic?
  7. I don't know anything about convicts, but is the first one an albino with a black eye?
  8. Mine had black lips and they disappeared when they morphed.
  9. That is the anchoring mechanism for the plant and the plant mutiplies by producung plantlets on the leaves. They can be seperated off the main plant when big enough.
  10. Double bag it in plastic bags with a bit of air and a teaspoon of water. Place it in a small carton less than 70mm deep and it will cost $3 to $4.50 depending on size if you send it fastpost.
  11. Could be lack of potassium.
  12. There are many types of cockroaches in NZ and many of them are native and feed on leaf litter and fungus etc. If you are determined to breed them I would suggest to get the large american ones or the smaller german ones.
  13. I use a thermostat with a ceramic heat emitter and add a boost with a standard spotlight on a timer with the UV in the winter. My beardies are brumating at the moment so will be up and about and all go while still in the winter. A thermostat takes a lot of worry and mucking about away.
  14. It will cost you a lot more if they escape. I would advise you you to stick to locusts, mealworms or crickets in that order.
  15. Sugar is sugar and a little is not bad, but it is still sugar.
  16. They claim it is a dominant gene. If it was dominant over normal then they would be all over the place and would be showing up as tadpoles as well when you consider how many eggs a frog can lay. So dominant over what?
  17. Sugar is sugar no matter how you dress it up.
  18. A question. If the genetics are simple and leucistic is a dominant gene, why are they rarer than albino with a recessive gene? They don't look as good as albino and they sold for less than they are asking at the moment (and that is below the reserve). Wait and see. The market will determine what it is worth.
  19. I had a pet maggie and went to the local butcher and asked for mince without preservative and he said it was not legal to put preservative in mince. Went home and fed maggie who did a volcanic spew all over the kitchen floor. Went back and had a chat and watched him mince a bit of prime steak for me. Added calcium powder and a happy maggie. Malachite green goes clear with SO2 which is the preservative they sometimes add, even if they are not supposed to.
  20. Could be Sagittaria microfolia but is more likely to be Echinodorus tenellus.
  21. The two common Amazon swords are E. bleheri and amazonicus. Bleheri has a longer stalk and is wider in the leaf and amazonicus has a narrower leaf and it starts almost at the crown. They are both available but not always labelled correctly.
  22. It has been sold once for over #$600 but the sale obviously didn't go through and it is up again.
  23. I have received plants that way and they have usually leaked or got damaged or both. I will show you how to send them when you come around.
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