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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Sometimes when in doubt I remind myself that Albert Einstein was sent home from school with a note to his parents requesting that he not attend as he was completely incapable of learning, and those familiar with Billy Connally will recall his jibe at his old teacher for the same thing and asking the question about who was rich as hell now then.
  2. There is actually nothing wrong with being polite and not telling people (politely or not so politely) that they are idiots, and it is also OK to alter the price on an article on trade me (that is why they have set it up so you can). If the price comes down-you win & if it goes up-you don't bid.
  3. Great looking setup. Hope they enjoy it and each other.
  4. Make sure your bleach is just a straight solution of HTH without added other stuff.
  5. Some species are being bred for export.
  6. I have some good sized red rubin converted to submersed @ $8 each plus $5 P&P. PM your address if you are keen
  7. There are a couple (can't remember which) that are prohibited imports but they are not available anyway so not to worry. I have: barthii, martii, red rubin, red special, ozelot, leopard, horizontalis, rose, parvifloris "tropica", tenellus parvula, tenellus latifolius, quadricostatis and uraguayensis. Also available are: bleheri, amazonicus, marble queen, cordifolius, argentinesis, tenellus tenellus and probably many more.
  8. Poultry bred for eggs, bred for meat or bred as breaders in my experience are all kept seperate so I would be surprised to find fertile eggs being sold for human consumption in the shops. Why would you run roosters with egglayers unless you wanted to raise the next generation from them.
  9. You like a challenge. I don't recall seeing it in NZ. Strong light, soft acid water and rich fine media----not easy. There are a few varieties but I don't think we have any. Pops up in the Japanese tanks but it is a native.
  10. My bird egg incubator turns the eggs about every 20-30 minutes and I can't imagine a free range egg producer running roosters as well because they would be feeding them for nothing. I came accross a guy years ago who produced duck eggs that had been incubated for 10 days. Big demand from people from Asia--Taiwan if I recall. Not for me thanks.
  11. If the sealing stuff is stuffed the jointing stuff probably is as well. Might be a good time to pull it apart and reglue it.
  12. I was trying to make a point not start a prayer meeting (that was an attempt at humour). I think it is a valid point on the basis of what Livingart was saying. I had some deformed baby beardies (hatching humidity too low I think) a while ago which I put in the freezer but I would not consider doing that with fish. I was wondering if my reasoning was valid.
  13. Higher than what? My point was that the metabolic reaction of a fish and a reptile in a freezer is likely to be different.
  14. Discussion is about reptiles rather than fish.
  15. Breeding groups for sale on trademe of late have been one female and two males. Someone must have wanted the market for a few years and deliberately hatched males.
  16. There seems to be a range in time that they hatch best and that is a bit related to temperature and humidity. I have had them hatch from late 60 days to near 100 days but they seem to do best about 70 to 80 days.Statistically you have to get some diformities I guess.
  17. What is the foreground plant in the pic? S. subulata or microfolia?
  18. Driftwood makes the water acid by adding tannic acid. This can be reduced by adding calcium carbonate in the filter.
  19. Pupuke had some more unusual plants when I was up there a while ago.
  20. I have used it from a welding setup. Just make sure you flush any acetylene.
  21. Macrandra is on trademe from time to time and is grown submersed so can be recognised as the real thing. Without strong light you would be wasting your time.
  22. Not many plants are truely underwater, some tolerate it better than others. I grew Lobelia cardinalis last year but no one wanted to buy it so I didn't grow it this year. It is an atractive plant and you should be able to get some from redwood aquatics when you are down. There are a couple of types of Alternanthera in NZ that I am aware of. The best is A. reineckii roseafolia which I have emersed but probably won't have at the conference as the frost will have killed it. It is the easiest of the red stem plants to grow without intense light. I assume by narrow leafed tenellus you mean E. tenellus tenellus. It does not grow well emersed in my setup but I gave some to Redwoods and they may still have a bit. There is a bit around Auckland I have seen.
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