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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I was told only females, then that there is evidence of them being hybridized, which can only happen with cross polination. This was their reason for banning all straight Val. A picture of the flowers would be good. You pays your money and takes your pick
  2. Val is like Sag and has male and female flowers so you would need both to get viable seeds. Val usually has 3 flowers/stem and Sag 1.
  3. I have not seen them in the shops much. There are privilages being a member.
  4. I don't think they need a search warrent they only need reasonable cause. He was charged and pleaded guilty to being in possesion of illegal organisms so the question of how he got them did not arise.
  5. They already do the same as fish. They have an approved list and a not approved list. Problem is that the approved list is blank.
  6. Aphyosemion australe (gold)
  7. There are aerobic bacteria that require oxygen, anaerobic bacteria that live in an evironment without oxygen and facultative bacteria that don't seem to mind in either situation. There are also spore forming bacteria that can go into a resistant spore phase in adverse circumstances. Adaptable little critters eh? What worries me with those claims is that getting rid of the "crud" probably puts it into solution and therefore increases nutrients, and getting rid of nitrate to nitrogen would mean the completion of the nitrogen cycle to nitrite then ammonia then nitrogen which would not be good for your fish. I may be wrong but it sounds too good to me to be true---unless I have missed the point here.
  8. You can put a solenoid on a pressurised system to turn it off when the lights go off but on a DIY you would have to divert it I guess, or it would blow up your supply bottle.
  9. Emersed growth on Sag is spade shaped so they are not emersed. It would pay on the Sag but leave the sword for a while as it will still be supporting the plant for a while. Remove them when obviously dying and the plant is a bit better established. Once established uraguayensis will grow very rapidly in the right conditions even though they can take a while to get established.
  10. alanmin4304


    Keep it up, you are on to it.
  11. They are minute with a roundish leaf when emersed.Echinodrus sp. completely reroot when transplanted. That is---all the existing roots will die and it will grow new roots, so will therefore go through a dormant period until re established. The Sag could be converting or the setup may be short on potassium.
  12. You need to keep and spawn them in soft water or the eggs become calcified. They will breed in Christchurch water which is about 45 ppm hardness expressed as calcium carbonate. Peat helps also.
  13. If jewels decide they want to breed all hell will let loose.
  14. That would be great, I have sent a PM.
  15. I agree with above. Well said.
  16. Be careful wee fella. One of your cuzzies lost it.
  17. After managing to avoid it for many yeers I am setting up a CO2 system. Where can I get a backflow preventer (non-return valve) from that will fit piping which will be about the same gauge as normal air hose?
  18. Because of the extreme cost of some of the rarer reptiles there is a tendancy to be secretive due to the risk of theft.
  19. As Ira said, rummies are not light sensitive. Neon eggs are not either as many claim--but the fry are. Don't leave it too long before trying again and you should have some better luck.
  20. I would think you would be best with the same number of each.
  21. alanmin4304


    Well done, keep it up.
  22. Hope you enjoy your time here.
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