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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I think that is what I have (am hoping not osiris).
  2. They are movement stimulated feeders so if you don't feed it for a day or two then feed live locusts or crickets it might get keen.
  3. There is a rose osiris and a rose. Do you know which this is? I have some rose almost ready to sell---do you know how big they grow submersed? Mine have been grown emersed then the pups converted.
  4. Clear sky and little wind this morning. Still getting frequent but reasonably mild aftershocks. Not much bad weather last night where we are and looks like a good day today. May it stay that way. We are well off compared to some.
  5. Who did the hybridization? They usually have 4 white petals.
  6. Still getting regular sftershcks but also reasonably mild. Not so easy to sleep when someone keeps shaking you awake. Haven't lost any more water from the tanks since the big one.
  7. No damage to my fish tanks but quite a bit of water sloshed everywhere. I think Jennifer had a whole wrack of tanks over and broken in her garage---some rare and not so cheap fish all over the floor and some she had successfully bred as well. One of the problems that arose was liquifaction where areas of sandy subsoil with high water table turned to liquid and that could cause damage. There are areas near us affected but we are OK. The Avon sloshed the banks in some places and it was a pretty low tide so hate to think what would have happened if it had been a high spring tide. Secure your tanks and stands.
  8. Mike, do you think cardamine is in the country?
  9. They are not cheap but very reliable and the only ones I am aware of that can be adjusted to operate at the correct temperature.
  10. Because albinos are generally weaker I would expect less than 25%. There is not much point in keeping the normal lookers as you can't tell which are splits.
  11. Lost my 6 big breeding females last year and my only male recently so will be into it with the splits as soon as there is a bit more food about.
  12. Feed the bloodworms as is. Might have to do some work on the cardamine issue.
  13. alanmin4304


    Enjoy your time here.
  14. As far as I know there is a genetic weakness and no one has successfully bred them albino to albino, so there has been a delay while people breed them back to normals then out again. The breeding season is coming so who knows--maybe someone will get lucky.
  15. If they are flushing they normally open up the fire hydrants and run them full bore and this will stir up a lot of gunk if the pipes contain gunk. There will be a lot of rust if the pipes are galvanised steel.
  16. When imported Cryps usually only have a couple of leaves left on so they can be identified.
  17. The signs of neon tetra disease are colour fading and as stated TB makes them skinny rather than fat. A picture would help but it could be a female full of eggs, and a picture would help to identify the sex as a male will not be full of eggs of course. The blue line dips on a female and they are fatter than the males.Usually the eggs become calcified and they can become eggbound if the water is too hard. If it is dropsy it is swollen because of water retention caused by kidney failure from a number of possible causes. The most humane thing is to kill it in my opinion as dropsy is virtually uncurable by the time it gets to that stage.
  18. I know how he does it and the elephant has nothing to do with it. He has a very good memory, but more importantly he has access to information which you don't. Don't tell him that I let the cat out or he might truck the elephant this way and my compost heap is full already.
  19. Democracy and capitalism at work. Let the buyer beware.
  20. I have had C. lyrata in the past from John Peters who sells on Trademe as waterplantz. I used it for a while for newts to lay their eggs on. I have verticillata grown emersed and a little of leucocephala submersed and even less emersed. A bit cold for emersed tropicals at the moment.
  21. They can vary a lot depending on growing conditions. I have seen verticillata minute growing submersed and shaded by other plants and as big as a breakfast plate grown emersed in ideal conditions.
  22. The only ones I am aware of in NZ are verticillata and leucocephala. Animates down here sell cardamine lyrata which looks similar. It is called vertiillata because it grows vertically along the media rather than up to the light like leucocephala or Cardamine lyrata. I have heard them all called silver dollar. There are a lot of different types in your lawn but they are the ones grown in aquaria that I am aware of.
  23. If it makes you feel any better, I had a visit, but over buying plants on trademe from plantman. They showed me their right of entry and they don't need a search warrent, although the police would have--never saw Mr Plod.
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