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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. It will establish their market value. Don't see too many rushing to buy.
  2. The plant committee are working on this at the moment. It will not happen overnight, but it will happen.
  3. Thanks cesarz. I forgot the"tropica". I have one emersed with a string of pups on it. First year I have had them so hoping to get some out there later. Nice wee plant. Didn't do much submersed but is prolific emersed. Probably didn't like my low light tank.
  4. It is very common to have problems with small discus.
  5. Fish that have TB get skinny and waste away but they normally keep eating.
  6. In my smoking days that was my favourite backie.
  7. Kanuka might be OK. Heart rimu looks great but when turning, if you get it too hot when sanding it develops shakes on the end grain so it may react badly to the heat.
  8. TB is usually picked up in quarantine and is zoonotic---there have been a few cases down here over the yeers with people involved in importing. I am told the cure is worse than the disease. It is not common outside of quarantine. I had it (only in fish) years ago when I imported goldfish.
  9. Totara is like cheese to work with--that is why it was used for carving by people using relatively blunt greenstone tools. It contains that much resin it will no absorb oil and bleeds resin giving a frosted effect.
  10. I think you would have a better chance of winning lotto and moving to Tazzy than to get them legalized here. It is a double whammy. Venomous and a snake so as you would expect there wouild me no favourable response from the powers that be. I would vote with the powers---good excuse for a trip to Ausy.
  11. Not that I recall. There have been links in the past to sites overseas selling all sorts that were obviously scams. They claimed they were available in NZ.
  12. I like the latest but with a complete pleco. I hate a half fish unless it is on my plate.
  13. Parviflorus also has a hammered look to the leaf
  14. One very skilled enclosure builder---bet your reptiles think you are pretty cool.
  15. It is a very useful skill---building enclosures when you keep reptiles. Lots of luck.
  16. If you have read my previous posts you will see that monochloramine is manufactured by reacting ammonia with chlorine and it is then used as a sanitising agent in water supplies in about 25% of the USA rather than using chlorine. In NZ water supplies are required to be treated with chlorine and any monochloramine present is a biproduct of the chlorine reacting with nitrogenous componds present in the water. All organic compunds contain proteins and all proteins contain amines. If your water supply is so pristine that it contains no organics (including micro organisms) then it would not need to be treated. If there are organics present (and there will be) then there will be chloramines present. If you add 1ppm chlorine to a water supply you will not get 1ppm free available chorine as the water has a chlorine demand. This is what is formed when the chlorine reacts with components in the water. This could form (among other things) chloramines and "bacteria chloride" You may therefore need to add 3ppm chlorine in order to get 1ppm free available chlorine. The aim is to get free available chlorine at the water supply tap in your house and everything else is a biproduct of that. If there is free available chlorine present it will kill all pathagenic bacteria. There are some other micro organisms that chlorine is not effective in dealing with. Darwinian theory does not cover "bacteria chloride" Do the test results say that they have tested for chloramines and there are none present or do they indicate that they have not tested for chloramines?
  17. They don't breed or hatch well unless you keep the temperature up.
  18. Welcome and enjoy your stay.
  19. You can take a horse to water but----
  20. Might save some money and get your next tank that much closer.
  21. It just shows the reality of life. I remember being at a health conference where a member of the then National Government had given a lecture on how proud he was that they had allowed cats into food premises. The President was a professor of public health at Massey University and proceeded to list for about 20 minutes the diseases that cats could spread to humans and then finished by saying "and they are the diseases from cats do we have time to add the diseases that they are likely to pick up from chasing mice?" It is my belief (and I will risk being excommunicated here) That there is nothing cuddly or good about native bird destroying cats that are allowed to spend all night roaming and killing. This is a natural instinct for cats to hunt and feral cats have been shown on many occasions to be very good at feeding on native fauna. Who would want to be the politician that banned cats. I also dislike stepping in what they leave behind all over our garden. If your dog roams you get into major trouble and I think it should be the same for cats. Ferets are probably not any worse than cats but are a lot easier to get at politically.
  22. Suggestion.---If you don't know why you use it why not stop. I haven't used carbon in a filter for over 30 years.
  23. I have never noticed any Psychological disorders or heard screaming during the night. They do breed pretty well if you feed them well and keep the temperature over 30 degrees.
  24. What are you using the carbon to achieve?
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