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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. I don't think it is one I have or have even seen. However as P44 they will need good light and nutrient to go realy red and stay red (if they are a red variety)
  2. Good luck--pretty exciting watching your first ones hatch. Better start culturing live food.
  3. Didn't someone get some expensive macaws taken of them and they died in the care of Maf. I understand they went for replacement but I don't know what the result was.
  4. The problem would be that I would not be surprised if there were cane toads or even snakes out there and I doubt that people silly enough to have them would also be silly enough to declare them knowing they would be destroyed.
  5. All we need is a very rich hobyist that is prepared to go to court and see them out. They would have to of course have made their money from other than herps.
  6. The economic arguement for keeping them out is easier to convince the egg heads in parliament with. Since the place is run by accountants and most people in parliament are money oriented I think it will stay the way it is for many years to come.
  7. I also use a plastic reflector that clips on to the flouro tube and is available from the pet shops. To make on could be an advantage if you only want a single.
  8. I use a double 40 watt model of that for my reptiles. You have to have both tubes going at the same time or they don't work. They come in various sizes and I bought mine off trademe. They can be set for 10,12 and 14 hours on and rather than a time they stay on for the time you set from when you turn it on. I don't have it but I am sure there will be people on here with the knowledge to make one from parts. Cheaper--dearer--don't know.
  9. I think straight away as they will dry quickly in dry sand.
  10. It depends what yo mean by light controllers.
  11. It will decrease the life of the 30 watt tubes but you can use 2x 20s.
  12. Mealworms are high in fat and are not good as a main diet.
  13. Lets get some figures right: I do pay tax on reptiles, fish and plants. Leps costing $1500 a year ago are not selling at $600 today and since they only lay 2 eggs/clutch and not many clutches they are not as prolific as beardies I would doubt that anyone will make any money from them one year after top dollar. Making it even less profitable is the tendancy for people to sell wholesale to not advertise that they have them. It is likely that the wholesale price would be around $300
  14. I don't think your figures are quite right. We paid more than you for a pair of beardies and the wholesale price this year is probably 125-150 dollars. Our female laid exactly 100 eggs last year (not that they were all good) 50% deformities is a bit much for beardies and maybe you should evaluate what you are doing. I am actually grateful that I didn't have to try to feed 100 baby beardies--I think that could be a quick road to insanity. If anyone thinks they are getting rich from breeding beardies I think they are in dreamland. The same thing will happen with leps and albino frogs, and probably quicker than with the beardies because of the present economic climate. People will pay what they want to pay and at the moment (particularly in Canterbury) people have other priorities.
  15. I think a year ago the leps were being sold on Trademe at 1.5K for babies and I think the cheapest on trademe at the moment is about $600 so it wont take long for them to settle down in price. However, I paid $200 for a dozen albino tadpoles and was offered a froglette a few days ago at $999. They will settle as well but it may take a little longer. Supply and demand as the man said.
  16. There is with some people confusion over the status of the animal being in NZ. The paper work may be available for an animal to be legally imported but to be kept in confinement in a zoo or similar, but that does not mean that they can be legally kept in private hands without that paperwork. It would be great for Maf to get a decent system going but it is probably easier for them the way it is.
  17. If they are generally on the glass rather than free swimming they are probably planaria which are harmless.
  18. A lot of these bisexual flowers will self pollinate with the pollen just falling or being dislodged with the wind
  19. Are you suggesting that we stay off the original subject of Whites tree frogs and the court proceedings associated with that, and discuss the keeping of reptiles generally and the involvement of Maf with that? Your comments: " i certainly wont dignify your existence and provocation with a reply into specifics" Is the sort of remark that resulted in the original posts being locked. LA you got there first
  20. There was a great little one around years ago --nevilli or even smaller--nevilli nevillii but I haven't seen it for a long time.
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