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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Cardinals can be prolific as well but not as easy as neons to get breeding.
  2. Use a small bare tank with with another smaller tank inside with a mesh bottom. Keep it about 10-20mm off the bottom of the larger tank with feet or straps at the top. Cover with a sheet of newspaper. Feed with live NZ brine shrimp nuplii (they are the smallest). You can spawn them once a week and people down here are breeding them in tap water which is about 45mg/litre hardness expressed as calcium carbonate. Sell to the petshops at $1 and you should have a good holiday at xmas.
  3. I checked with our local breeder and he has Nothobranchius guentheri for sale at $7 each and also Aphyosemion australe gold for sale at $10 each. Getting a few together would save freight. They are young and just coming up to breeding age. PM me if interested, and I can give you a contact phone number.
  4. They are better steel I think and will carry a better edge--but will rust as less chrome I think.
  5. A bale of Hauraki peat is the way to go. Peat is anaerobically decayed sphagnum moss.
  6. The NZ brine shrimp nuplii are a lot smaller than the imported stuff. A bit more expensive but can be fed out sooner. You need to keep good food up to them or you will end up with half a dozen big fat ones and they wont be the best lookers either. All the anabantoids tend to grow at different rates no matter how well you feed them so you need to start seperating by size when you spot the difference. Good hatch rate.
  7. My Chinese friend was an expert at it using a Chinese meat cleaver.
  8. Redwoods is good for food and equipment but I don't think they stock reptiles. Size has more to do with how much of what foods they have been fed rather than age.
  9. Proud Paws would be the best shop for reptiles and stuff.
  10. Proud paws at northlands mall is probably the best at the moment for reptiles for sale. Petand garden in Fitzgerald ave has a few at the moment.
  11. Having to store the eggs for 3-4 months puts a lot of people off but after the first 4 months it is all go. It is usual to breed them in trios.
  12. "chevyhot" (without the e) has a couple of mirrors for sale on trademe if you wish to leave a message. Someone has already left a message about discus.
  13. I might have to check it out.
  14. It is a lot harder to grow than C. carolineana.
  15. They are very prolific breeders. I used to spawn them for 2 days once a week (every weekend). There was a guy down here breeding them as well I will check out if he has any for sale.
  16. I used to breed them as trios in small tanks. Put sand through a fine seive that is smaller mesh size than the eggs and keep what goes through the net. After spawning put all but the fish through the seive and you will be left with only eggs. Add to moist peat and store for 3-4 months then wet --you will only get 10-15% hatch so store again for a month and repeat. You can dry the peat out till quite dry before storing. Can have babies colourd up in about 6 weeks--very fast growers. They love live food. Sensitive to copper and probably malachite green. Can use acriflavine to treat mild velvet but best to avoid it with salt or peat or both. Nice looking fish. When you have a few hundred in a planted tank they look like a war is going on but it is all bluff.
  17. I used to have 8 pairs of angels breeding at one stage and kept them one pair in a bare 600x300x300 tank and hung a slate right at the top (about 100x100) They always laid on that and I hatched them in seperate small tanks with an airstone.
  18. Probably not that particular variety but I have kept and bred thousands of Nothobranchius guentheri. Like most Nothos they can be buggers for getting velvet. Salt or peat tends to help and they are very sensitive to copper (killed a few hundred once with one seventh of the dose of chelated copper sulphate).
  19. The Cabomba furcata I recall from many years ago had red stems and Cabomba carolineana will go red on the tips in good light. Will be interesting to see how it goes for Jennifer. What I had then was being grown under natural light.
  20. CO2 is a source of carbon but to make the plants grow you will need a balance of light, plus macro and micro nutrients.
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