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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Fruitflies caught or cultured might be a better option for whistlers. There are always heaps around my compost heap at this time of year as the windfall blackboy peaches get chucked.
  2. I think the system used here for permits to keep natives is good. Can't sell (legally) so only atracts people who do it for pleasure rather than loot. Look what some people do with fish at the moment. Will breed anything to anything to get something to sell. Will be the same with native reptiles if it becomes commercial.
  3. I pack mine in a clickclack plastic container with ventilation and place that in a poly box with small holes drilled near the top on the sides. The 40 hour heat pad is activated about 30 minutes before being taped to the inside of the lid. I make a hole in the lid above the heat pad so that the oxygen needed to heat the pad comes from the outside rather than in the box. I take great care in breeding and rearing the animal as well as the way it is packed but I do not take responsibility for it once sent as it is out of my control. I have sent animals by fastpost, petbus, air nz and post haste. The best is airport to airport with Air NZ but it costs. Post haste took 2 days to get there but they arrived OK. petbus also takes two days and they arrived OK. Not familiar with Morley transport. You would probably be lucky to have succes with a claim as they usually don't take responsability for livestock. That is why most transporters will not take livestock.
  4. It will self fertilize and drop the seeds or you can put some fine netting around the seed head and collect the seeds for planting in another tank. A few people have had success with growing from seed but the lay lay dormant for about a year.
  5. It will do more good than harm. They are called sliders because they spend most of their time basking and slide into the water if startled (either that or the Americans have trouble spelling terrapin.) The basking area needs to be warmer than the water because if the water is too hot they don't bask and then they end up with problems. I saw the result of that with some babies I sold to a pet shop.
  6. Cost more than that for the steel in the stand.
  7. All the info you need is on the Beautiful Dragons reptile rescue (nutrition content) site. Makes it simple as.
  8. At least the headband is the right colours. My first car was a 1932 Madel A 2 door saloon--would have been worth a packet today.
  9. They have an airlift which causes a reduction in pressure so that water is pushed through the sponge and out the outlet tube along with the air bubbles. Connected to a normal air pump. Safe as with fry in a bare tank.
  10. Bags a bob each way. People under estimate the the resilience of filter bugs I think. Most bacteria are a bit like rats and cochroaches---they will be around after humans manage to exterminate themselves. However, the purpose of a filter is to have it running all the time because this will give it maximum eficiency.
  11. Finding a market is the hardest thing.
  12. I would siphon off the babies and rear them in another tank on their own. Get a few more tanks because the parents will go again in a week or so.
  13. Encouraging export would put a massive strain on our wild native populations, that is why it is banned.
  14. About $180 odd but only in transit for a few hours
  15. Australia would be more restrictive on exotic reptiles than NZ would it not?
  16. Welcome and enjoy your time here.
  17. Use fine sand and feed live food --you will need to buy lots more tanks.
  18. What happened to all the Nothobranchius sp?
  19. Gardneri yellows are sometimes called gold and the nigerianus we have here is also the gold variety. There is also the blue and P32?--I think that is the number.
  20. In my experience most beardies would dehydrate to death becide abowl of water. The odd one will dink but none of mine do. You can give them a bath for half an hour, particularly when shedding or getting dehydrated. There is a good link on the care sheet for beardies on this section. I would not give most of what you are using for salad. Calcium and vitamins about right. I leave live mealworms in there all the time and feed locusts and crickets as well--they will eat them as a preference.
  21. Just killies in the breeding tanks. Breed heaps as there are very few about.
  22. Phosphates can cause algae problems but does no usually worry the fish.
  23. Most of those treatments cause temporary sterility.
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