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Everything posted by Freakyfish

  1. Sounds like a plan especially b4 I sell the shop Though afterwards I could enjoy it more lol I havent had a NZ forum member fish tour for awhile though I seem to have had a lot of Kiwi's on vacation in lately And most of them didnt know about this forum Brad
  2. LOL I didnt see the original post so I cant comment Brad
  3. All in the way you look at it Ira Quite simply you need more information then the first post to give the correct answer What size tank is it? What filtration rates are the 2 filters? Over all Id say your more then likely under feeding them though Brad
  4. Hey Conch That can be easier said then done when dealing with a large fish who isnt happy about being pulled out of the water and placed onto a chopping block Plus U have to deal with the mess afterwards What if you miss alittle and only take off the nose or worse only cut alittle way through when you hit the skull Ive spent years in an abbatoir so I know my way round a knife but this is alot easier and easier to deal with especially with younger members Brad
  5. Hey guys I have been along term adviser on using clove oil to euthanise a fish though I hadnt actually had to do it to any large fish before I had been taking the advice of a very well known fish Vet who I have had alot dealings with over the years but yesterday I had a customer who had a very sick Red Devil which was around 35cm long This fish was curled constantly and couldnt hold his place in the water Only laying on his side curled up on the bottom and then swimming around and stopping dead in the water and sinking like a stone As I dont like to sell meds to customers who have no chance of the fish surviving as one its a waste of money and 2 its only causing the fish more pain or discomfort I advised him to use the clove oil method as the most Humane but seeing he had this fish for around 6 years he couldnt bring himself to do it and asked If I could do it for him I could totally understand his situation having lost my large Devil some months ago I placed him in the largest bucket I had which half full held nearly 15 litres I added a small mixture of water and clove oil which I used 3 drops to each litre This has been shaken up as oil and water dont like to mix Once add to the bucket the fish literally slowed down straight away and I could see him slowly going to sleep After 15 mins in the bucket the rate of respiration was down to every 5 secs or so which it what I had expected After 30 mins I had observed no gill activity at all and I placed him into a bag and into the freezer confidant the fish was dead and he had felt no pain For people with large fish and you want a simple end for your fish this by far is the easiest way Brad
  6. Welcome back Afrikan Its been good catching up with you Good to see Warren hasnt changed Brad
  7. Thats not bad advice IRA Though you can have ur fish eat all the food and still be over feeding your tank Just because the food is eaten it still becomes waste and can impact the water quality alot or your fish get fat as well Have you had your water tested for Nitrates at all? Or ammonia? What filtration do you have on your tank? Brad
  8. LOL shouldnt hurt him But seriously how tall is he Just place it up high and simply he can reach it Obviously not at the top of a book case or that could be alittle dangerous Brad
  9. Freakyfish

    Filter media

    All filter media will remove Nitrates in the right situations All it needs is Anerobic bacteria Purigen is by far the best I have used in normal instances to remove Nitrates Or set up a Nitrate filter with a very slow flow rate and it will handle Nitrates If you have a large tank set up a FBF with Purigen and you will never have a Nitrate problem again Though this doesnt remove the need for a water change Brad
  10. Id say a run of bad luck or a bad batch of em Jager are the best for a reason thogh I sell hundreds of AquaOne in various sizes and can only remember a handful coming back in the last 4 years Brad
  11. LOL I think you missed the point U said breeding Baby angels This wont work as they are only babies LOL I think you meant in your first post was breeding Adult Angels Brad
  12. As said above a separate tank each will work the best though I have had results using a 3ft tanks dividing it down the middle with Egg Crate and fly screen over it to keep th fry separate I found with out the fly screen the fry would swim back and forth and they all got eaten by the parents Brad
  13. Its unlikely they are true Burundi I would be selling them as 6 bar Frontosa True Burundi are alot harder to come accross Brad
  14. Lots of clean water and leave the tank alone will also help Lots of high quality food but leave the bloodworm alone Shrimp Prawns will help condition the females up 12cm is alittle small yet but I have seen them getting ready b4 at that size Brad
  15. Yeah great as a treat Still not something I would feed every day but a few times a well will do them great A breeder In know uses them to condition up alot of his Africans Brad
  16. She is gorgeous Definalty what I would call Fire Fin and better then alot of the ones I have seen here in Australia Good luck breeding them Brad
  17. Linking up 7 bar Frontosa isnt going to help anyone From what I have seen and heard about the Frontosa in NZ is that alot of them throw the occasional "7 Bar" This isnt a trait you want when breeding these fish Though trying to work exactly why its happening is easier said the done Its possible thats its just poor bloodlines or even a 7bar has crossed with a 6 bar in previous generations If it was me I wouldnt be breeding from any of them including the parents Though with the limited supply of new blood this is easier said then done I know Shelley had them throw back some of the fry like this Have a good read at www.frontosa.com Very helpful guys there If this link gets deleted PM me for it Brad
  18. LOL I love the impulse shopper I have used Danios plenty of times as Dithers as they are very fast Though Aussie Native Rainbows are great as well especially with the africans Id say your going to need a bigger tank then a 6x2x2 Brad
  19. You can put them together if they are all fry no problems at all Also your Fronts should start breeding at around the 2.5 year age but they will get better and better as they get older Brad
  20. Thats a great Vid If anyone wants a copy just download it from http://carazy.net/mpegs/NatGeoParts/ They are in a Rar format Just download winrar and your away I have seen a Emperor cichlids here in Australia Amazing fish Brad
  21. Has she had the water tested at all? Is she cleaning the filter every time she does a water change? When the heater xploded had she done anything to the tank that day? I cat say ive heard them actually explodin in the tank doesnt mean it cant happen though Brad
  22. Freakyfish


    Why do a water change when you have already done so many Its not going to achieve anything but stress your fish some more Also washing your filter media under the tap is nearly as bad as replacing it If your sump is set up correctly then removing the floss shouldnt affect its capabilities at all Brad
  23. Freakyfish


    At a PH of 6 the ammonia reading is acceptable Ammonia because more toxic as the PH gets higher AT that PH I wouldnt even be concerned How old are your test Kits I have found they get less accuarte as they get older Brad
  24. It would be Koi as in gold fish They are illegal in parts of Australia but not NSW The koi probably would have been to slow to cath th rummynose Id be betting on the cichlid for sure The WCMM are fairly quick so most likely might have survived well But the rummynose and cardinals would have been slower especially on the first night Id say eaten for sure Also I wouldnt be keeping that cichlid in with your tropicals Brad
  25. I dont really think anything in the tank is going to get that dial to move Id say just get a new heater to be safe Brad
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