Sometimes I agree with a different spelling
My GF little brother is a Jaydn
Simply becasue mum and dad couldnt agree whether it should be Jayden or Jaydin
So split the middle and make it Jaydn
Did you advise people Mark that there was Mark 1, 2 and 3 lol
And they should know what number each one is
The heater can stay on and keep heating the tank
If the thermostat fails it wont tell the heater to stop heating
Though this cant change the dial on the heater
I went to school with a few Brad's
Also there was 2 Brad Smith's
One was Brad P Smith and the other Brad J Smith
Also Mark it would be Mark I Mark II and Mark III
Thats uncommon though to you all have the same name
Could be confusing for people calling up
Id like to speak with Mark pls lol
Yes you have your opinions Hanz and based on the fish you keep thats fine
Keep doing your large water changes
And changing water with a difference of only a couple of degrees wont change much at all This I agree with
I simply stated it depends on what fish you keep whether this a good idea or not
As fish from Lake Tanganyika dont get large fluctuation's of temperature in the wild then doing it in a small system isnt a good thing
Take Frontosa for an example
These fish like to be kept in a range of 24 to 26oC
In the wild they live upto 50 metres down sometimes further
Yet the water temp down that far still doesnt drop much below the surface temp
Africa as a whole can be considered quite a hot place so the water never gets a chance to cool down
Though with your fish they will handle the change in temp as it does happen in the wild
All we all have to remember that some fish are different and they dont all require the exact same care
Heaters use a thermostat to keep turning the heating element on and off
I have found with nearly all heaters when the thermostat breaks its always turns on the heater
So the heater runs non stop which I would say is happening
Time for a new one
Hans I would suggest you have a quick look at Lake Tanganyika
The water doesnt change temp much all year round
Plus being so deep and its Location it prevents water Turnover
What kind of fish are you keeping????
The temp hardly changes all year round
So doing large water changes isnt recommended for these fish
Yeah you might get away with for awhile
Justin Im not talking about the water condition just about the temp change
I understand the water conditions are alot better
Doesnt mean its good for them
I wouldnt advise anyone to do that to these fish
In the wild they never get that happen to them
They get a very small change in temp and PH
If you wanted to keep them in their best condition you would try at least consider this
Not all fish will handle the fluctuation's
Most of your American cichlids will though as said above generally the water will change alot in thw wild
Your Lake Tang cichlids though the Temp hardly changes at all during the year so these fish wont handle it as well
It all comes down to what fish your doing it to
Mine never stop swimming around
Fascinating to watch them eat
I feed mine some floating pellets but they eat any insects plus mine eat flake as well
I think they are great as long as you dont have any smaller fish then them
Well actually there is a DVD of his Lake Malawi talk
I have a few copies of it coming
I havent seen it yet but im told its virtually his exact talk
Umm I have \
Back to Nature Lake Tang
Lake Tang Secrets
Lake Tang cichlids in their Natural habitat
I think I have a few more but cant think of them right now
Yeah Caryl I have been around
Havent really frequented here for awhile
Still have a look every now and then
I was thinking the same things about those discus
I wouldnt be buying them
I always show people them feeding when I am selling them
Look for a nice high forehead and I have found when they are smaller they are nearly taller then they are long
Making them a nice high round fish
Nothing to bad just enough
I hate seeing them all stunted
Well to bring up an old thread
I just got back from Meeting Ad Konings
I got to have some time talking to him and getting my books signed
I also got to watch 3 of his talks
One on Lake Tang
One on Lake Malawi
and One on Lake Nicaragua and its crater lakes
I had an amazing night and he was a pleasure to meet
One good thing I have now a few of his books signed
I have a large collection of my own plus I got a few to have in the shop for some lucky customers
I have no doubt at all the fish in that pic is an Electric yellow
Yeah Hongi and Yellow will interbreed very very easily but I cant see anyhing that would suggest that has happened
I have seen alot worse Yellows then him
The black throughout the body is generally brought up by inferior foods and sometimes a diet high in Spirulina
Yeah Im at Nerang On the Gold Coast
Here is a list of most of the shops too
Im Aquariums Alive
All the AquaStops are the same size
I just put the AquaStop from a 305 to a 204 and it fits perfectly
Definalty upgrade to the new 405 and this will help your tank a great deal
I would change the hosing though to the new one with the 405
I wouldnt say Water conditioners are a good money spinner for LFS
Chlorine in any amount can be deadly for fish
Yeah most of the time you will get away with it but for the small cost of a good conditioner I dont understand why people take the chance
Here Prime is around $27.30 for 300ml or per 5ml its 45c
So for 45c I can safely detoxify any chlorine Chloramine Heavy metals and ammonia is my 4ft tank
Seeing some of my tanks can house thousands of dollars its seems an easy decision for me
The severums are Omnivore's
Even fish which are vegetarian in the wild will eat small fish if given the chance
They arent like humans who make a decision not to eat meat
There are a few products that claim to remove Chloramine but its harder then first thought
I use Seachem's Prime and have found it works perfectly
cheap to use as well