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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Casey, I think it is advised not to turn up your temp untill you have the medication in the tank, have read this in another post. Once again Good Luck. Lynda
  2. Hi Casey, Clown Loaches are prone to Whitespot, this looks like the fish have been covered in Salt You will probably need to medicate with Whitespot Cure and turn your temp up to 28-30 degrees. If you do a search on here for Whitespot you may find some other info on how to treat this. It is always a good idea to study the fish for a wee while while they are in the tank at the shop, any fish that look suspect, as in the way they are behaving, diease, fin rot etc, DO NOT BUY, or if you do BUY put them into a quaritine tank for a couple of weeks before releasing them into your full time tank. Good Luck with ya Loaches. Lynda
  3. Hi Apryl, Welcome to the FNZAS Forum, great to have you here, there are heaps of wonderful and knowledgeable people here, so don't be afraid to ask any questions that you may have, I'm sure someone will have an answer for you. Happy Fishing Lynda
  4. I would say, give Eric a call at Wet Pets, great Guy and full of knowledge, he may be able to help you and this poor little thing. Do hope you get it sorted. Lynda
  5. Surely, it cant have jumped that far, don't you have a lid on Tank?if it has jumped out, you will no doubt be able to find it's poor dehydrated little body, or has it died and the other fishies have made a meal of out of it. Lynda
  6. Beautiful little fishies, are really tempted to put a bid on these, but not sure if they will survive, with my big Angels. Totally Awesome Colours. Hmmm, might have to put them on me Watchlist and have a wee think. Lynda
  7. Good Luck Guys, hope these one's survive. My Angel Fry seem to be doing really well, loving the M/worms I got off you and also feeding them on BBS, which they also enjoy. So here's hoping, it's all going too go as planned, even if I get a couple out of this lot, I will be happy, must have at least a couple of hundred fry, when they get a little bigger I will post a pic of them. Once again GOOD LUCK with yours. Lynda
  8. OH MY GOD! That is terrible, makes you wonder what some ppl are thinking when they start doing things like that. Well thats 1 fish I will be leaving well alone. Lynda
  9. Yea, it would be good if you could list ya water parameters, have you added anything to this tank lately? is there a dead fish in there somewhere that is causing the water to go bad, have you added any meds lately? Lets us know how ya get on. Lynda
  10. Hi Brite, For a start Goldfish are Coldwater fish and all of the other fishies that you have listed that you have put into this tank are Tropical. Apart form that I have no idea what could be wrong with your fishy. Do hope you get it sorted. Lynda
  11. Thanks for the info guys, Hmmm, not to sure about breeding them, then I would have to find another one to breed it with, but must admit I wouldn't mind having a go at it. Might have too have a wee think. :-? :-? :-? Cheers Lynda
  12. Hmmmm, so not as rare as it is stated then. :evil: :evil: :evil: Lynda
  13. Can any one tell me how common are Snowflake Bristlenose's, got one on Trade me I'm looking at. Auction says, the guy only knows of 2 others in the country and they came from him, which he has obviously breed himself. Any thoughts guys? Lynda
  14. Yiippee, Yes I do have some BBS, my gudness was getting abit worried there, but then again I didn't really know what I was meant to be looking for lol. :lol: :lol: Thanks Luke for the idea to use a torch, soo much easier to see these little critters. No more hungry fry. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Thanks Guys Lynda
  15. Hi Kookie, Welcome to FNZAS, you have come to the right place to have all of those fishy questions answered, great to have you here. Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  16. Hi Evil, Welcome to FNZAS, this is a wonderful site, full of info that I'm sure you will find useful, good to have you here. Happy Fishing Lynda
  17. Can anyone give me some tips on how hatch BBS, These are San Francisco Brine Shrimp in the pkt's, It says to add 1 pkt to 1 ltr of water, so I have added 1/2 a pkt to 1/2 a ltr of water, and this is in a 1 ltr container with a lid, I have put a hole in the lid for the airline to go thru which has a airstone attached to the end of it, I have then lowered this into the tank to keep it warm,it has only been lowered to the water level inside the container that I am using to hatch these BBS in, it does say the PH should be 8 or higher, could this be the problem? Any ideas what the problem is would be great. My poor little fry must be hungry by now, have been using baby flake food but they don't seen very interested in it. Lynda
  18. Beautiful pics guys, totally awesome. I want a Discus tank NOW! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Hopefully in the near future I will have my own to look at instead of having to look at everyones elses. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  19. Hi Zev, You could always tell her to start saving her pocket money :lol: :lol: :lol: Lynda.
  20. Just thought I'd post some pics of M&D with their Fry, Fry have now been moved into their own 2ft tank, everything going good so far. Mum=Golden Angel Dad=Black Marble http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure014.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure013.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure012.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure011.jpg Lynda
  21. Problem is I dont have any Snails, to leave the nice little parcels behind Lynda
  22. Thanks for that info Caryl, got it all set up the way you have suggested, so will see how it goes. Lynda
  23. Thanks for the ideas Guys. Will give it a go and see what happens. Lynda
  24. Hi Duncan, Welcome to FNZAS, great to have you here, you have definitely come to the right place to have all your fishy questions answered. Happy Fishing. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda


    Hi there Fiz, Welcome to FNZAS, this is a wonderful forum,with lots of very helpful people, if you have any questions that need to be answered you have definitely come to the right place to find the answers. Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
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