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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Got some Angel Fry that are now at the Free Swimming stage, My Brine Shrimps have just arrived by Courier so by the time they hatch will probably be around 48 hrs I would think, going down to pick up a Microworm culture on Sunday, so what do I feed these Fry at the moment, I have some Liquifry but thats for Livebearers, also have Baby Fish Food, is this going to be OK untill I get the Microworms? Any ideas would be great. Lynda
  2. Can anyone give me some tips on hatching San Fransico Brine Shrimps, need these for my Angel Fry. Do they need to be keep at a certain Temp? Do they need the proper hatchery for them to hatch? Any tips would be great. Lynda
  3. Thanks for that Matt, awesome pics. Lynda

    Hi all

    Hmmm, wish mine would do that for me, must admit he did buy me my first tank, but would love him to buy me a bigger one now, sounds abit like MTS to me. Lynda
  5. Hi Lisa, I have been advised to feed 3 times a day. How do you do water changes without sucking up the fry? Lynda
  6. Any Electrical Supply shop should have them, dont need fancy aquarium bulbs, just normal fluro's will do, thats all I use and they are fine. Lynda
  7. Sounds like the black Spots are markings to me. Mum are allowed to be over protective aren't they? Lynda
  8. Ok, well some are free swimming and some are not, so do I start feeding now or do I wait for all of them to become free swimming? It appears to me that they have used up most or all of their egg sac. Help! I have no snails to help keep the tank clean, is this going to be a problem? Lynda
  9. They say the bigger the tank the easier it is to keep, as the water parameters and that sort of thing are alot more stable. Would love to have a hugh tank like that. I got a 4ftr at the moment, but would love to set up a Discus and a Marine tank one day. Don't stress, :lol: :lol: School holidays nearly over. Lynda
  10. Good Idea's Guys and I got a heap of Java Moss too. Also abit concerned about the water changes? thought if I put in a sponge filter that may be enough untill I get home to keep the water good. Thanks Lynda
  11. Anthony: I thought they looked quite cute So not a very good choice then, been offered 2 for $30. Sharn : So you saying they got these two fish, a Severum and a Red Devil put them toghther and they came out with the Parrot Chiclid. Best I have along hard think about it then. :-? :-? :-? Lynda
  12. Hi Guys, I'm going into Hospital on the 27th Jan for an OP, will be in there for 5 days, I have Angel fry that will only be about 2 weeks old when I go in, not sure how I'm gonna feed them while I'm not here, Hubby and my 4 boys aren't quite as dedicated as I am, read a post by Billaney saying he put crushed Lettuce in the tank to grow infursoria for the fry to eat, would this be suitable feeding for the fry for the 5 days that I am not here? Any other ideas would be great. Lynda
  13. Got these Angel Fry that seem to be doing really well so far, not quite sure when to start feeding them, I have transfered them into the 2ft tank, some of them are free swimming and some are not, do I feed them now or do I wait for all of them to become free swimming? alot of them seem to be hanging around in a little bunch at the top of the tank and there are also some on the tank floor in bunches, any advice would be great. Lynda
  14. You would be surprised at how many ppl on this forum have tanks of that size, my my I wonder just how many fishies you could fit in a 12ftr :lol: :lol: Lynda
  15. Hi Ktttk, Welcome to FNZAS, sounds like you have a bad case of MTS, just like alot of other fishy people on this forum :lol: :lol: , you've got a good selection of tanks there, if you have any questions that need to be answered you have definitely come to the right place. Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  16. Hi Guys, Does anyone know much about Parrot Chiclids, I have ben offered these from a trader on TradeMe, abit of info on these would be great. Have done a google search with no luck. Thanks Guys Lynda
  17. Hi Zev, Welcome to FNZAS, this is a great forum, with lots fo knowledgeable people here to answer all of your questions. I too am building a new home and have kids (4 boys) and to many cats, 4 to be exact, but they are all lovely, yes I mean the kids and the cats. Anyways Happy Fishing. :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  18. Just thought I'd post a few pics of my Angels Fry, Black Marble = Dad Golden = Mum http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure014.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure013.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure012.jpg http://i41.photobucket.com/albums/e283/ ... ure011.jpg Fry have now been moved into 2ft tank, so here's hoping all goes well. Keep ya fins crossed guys, I would like to at least get a couple of these to survive, that's not asking much now is it. :lol: :lol: Lynda
  19. Will do my best for these little wrigglers, hoping all will go well, will keep ya all posted as to how it's all going. Got a slight porblem tho, got to go into hospital nexr Friday 27th for an OP, be in there for 5 days, not sure Hubby or my 4 Boyz will be quite so dedicated, hmmm bit of a worry really. Only wish someone could take them for me till I get back but thats not going to happen so I'll just have to do my best. Lynda

    Hi all

    Yep, MTS is rampant on here, it's taking over everybody , not such a bad thing really, if you got deep pockets a ? Welcome to FNZAS you come to the right place for lots of helpful advice to any qustion that might be asked. Lynda
  21. They big Fella's bout 11cm from tip of top fin to tip of bottom fin. Lynda
  22. OK sweet az, just wondering how big they would be, could be every expensive Angel Food a? Lynda
  23. OK, good point, if M&D gonna have to come out shortly well then theres really no point, I didn't realise they spawn so often, so about every couple of weeks then, might do the spouting trick I think this time, see how that goes, hopefully they will choose to spawn on that. Thanks for all the help, waiting for one of my boys to show me how to post a pic, so I can share with everyone. Might go and do that now, keep an eye out I'll see how it goes. Lynda
  24. Thanks Guys, yep got some BBS on the way bought some off TradeMe, and just arranging some Microworms for them. Alan: Do you think I should move M&D along with the fry? as Ron suggests? I suppose I can always take M&D out if they start eating the bubbas. What advantage is there to having M&D in with them? Lynda
  25. Alan, I never thought of doing it that way, was wondering if I should M&D with the fry as they are doing such a good job of being parents, but maybe a different story if they're moved into another tank I guess, do you think they would start eating them straight away or would it be a period of time, I could move them all together and keep an eye on them and see how they go. Was reading a recent post saying Angel Fry dying at 10 days, any ideas how I can try and avoid this. Any help you can give is very much appreciated. Lynda
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