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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Totally Spectacular Fay! Keep up the great work :bounce: :bounce: Dont forget to keep posting pics for all of us to see. Lynda

    Please Help

    Maybe you could post a Pic of one of these, or maybe even yours if you have one,may help ya find one a little quicker. Good Luck in finding one. :bounce: Lynda
  3. I've just bought some BN today, 1 Male and 1 Female, for this very reason, thought I might have ago at breeding them, and with all the great ideas on here doesn't seem like it will be to hard to do, I to am concerned that the eggs will be in a community tank and that the other fishies will eat them, might have to think about moving them, should I move them at the egg stage or the fry stage? :-? :-? Good Luck with yours Shark :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  4. Pleased to hear everything is back to normal with ya fishies again Paul. May have just been wanting a bit more of your attention. lol. :lol: :lol: Lynda


    Hi there, maybe better to discuss this in the freashwater section. Good Luck and Happy Fishin. Lynda
  6. Hi Kikorangi lily, Welcome to the FNZAS forum, great to have you here. :bounce: :bounce: Lynda


    Hi Nick, Sorry to hear that your Lelelupi's aren't eating, have you tried feeding them some live food or maybe some frozen blood worms? Do hope you get it sorted. Good Luck :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  8. Is it possible there is something leaching out of the piece of wood you have put into the tank?, just a thought. Do hope you find out what the problem is. Good Luck Lynda
  9. Hi Guys, Welcome to FNZAS, you have come to the right place for lots of helpful advice, when you need it. Your tanks sound very interesting Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  10. Hi Glen, Yes I have to agree with Craig, this diease comes from bad water conditions, lots of water changes will help. I did a search on this on google, put in hole in the head and it will bring up all the info you need to know, aquariumfish.net, I think was the site I was on. Good Luck to ya Dad. Lynda
  11. Welcome handy-andy, I'm sure you will learn lots on this forum and there's a heap of fun ppl on here too. :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  12. Thanks Guys, Rather pretty fishy, I think I just may have to get myself some of these. Great Pics Caryl and Paul. :lol: :lol: Lynda
  13. Caryl, what does an Odeesa Barb look like, never heard of them. Lynda
  14. Awesome Paul, :bounce: :bounce: I got Golden Barbs, are they easy to breed? :-? Maybe you could give me some tips, to start with how do you know which is M and which is F? I see you have a BB Tank, is that the best way to go? Any help would be great. Lynda
  15. Hi Angel, Sorry to thear that your Inangas aren't doing so well , have you tested your water, to see what is going on? have you ever thought about buying a heater and going Tropical, some really beautiful fishies to choose from. Do hope you get it sorted, not nice having to part with fishies that we have grown very attached too. Good Luck Lynda


    Thanks for the info Newtman and Caryl, might just have to give this ago and see what happens, also have some very fat Black Widows that I might try this with aswell. Anyone know how to tell male from female in the Black Widows? is it that the female is the rounder one out of the two? Cheers Guys Lynda


    Can anyone tell me, how can I tell when my Rosy Barb is getting close to laying her eggs, she is extremely fat, and the male Rosy keeps chasing her around, would like to put her in a seperate tank with the male if she is close to dropping her eggs, do they have them all at once? do they lay in one place or do they scatter them, any info would be great. Thanks Guys Lynda
  18. Hi Guys, Does anyone know how to tell the difference in the sexes of Rosy Barbs, and info on breeding them would be great. Thanks Lynda
  19. Thanks for that Caryl, I know what I'll be doing tomorrow then, fishing for Mossie Larvae. Lynda
  20. Hi Guys, Just wondering if anyone knows if i can feed Mosquito Larvae to my Fishies, I have 2 big drums out at my 1 1/4 acre section, which we are planning to build on soon, these two drums are filled with water for the plants that I am planting out for the Landscaping there, I noticed when I was out there today, there are heaps of what I think are Mosquito Larvae, can I feed these to my fishies? Lynda
  21. Hi Staplez, Congrats once again , really exciting stuff ,Maybe a good idea to take the Power Filter out and replace it with a Sponge Filter. Good Luck and Happy New Year. :bounce: Lynda
  22. Hi Tsarmina, If your fishies do have White Spot, Melafix is not a treatment for White Spot as far as I know, u will need to turn ya temp up to round 29 degrees and then treat with a WhiteSpot treatment. Keep an eye on those other fishies in your tank as it may be necessary to treat the whole tank, as Alanmin suggested. Good Luck Lynda
  23. Hi Tsarmina,I would keep an eye on this as it could be ICH or WhiteSpot, do any of the other tank mates have it?, would be good to know what your water parameters are, would be great if you could invest in a test kit, sooo much easier than having to run a water sample down to the LFS, picked up mine from Trade me, great investment, if you have any suspitions that maybe something is not right in the tank, you can test it there and then, and adjust whatever needs to be adjusted. Good Luck Lynda
  24. Hi AquaMum, Sounds like things are improving, PH should be somewhere around 7, Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0 and Nitrates round 40 or less. Just remember if you are adjusting things it must always be done slowly, always wash the filter sponge, media etc in water taken from the tank, carbon doesn't last that long before it loses it's effectiveness, so I wouldn't be to concerned about not having this. Good Luck Lynda

    Fish Killer

    Hi Angel, Sorry to hear about your fishie, I always wonder when I am rearranging my tank if all my little fishies have got out of the way and I haven't squished any, Never mind accidents doooo happen. Lynda
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