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Everything posted by LYNDYLOO

  1. Hmm, just might work, never thought of that, might have to give this a go, really need to move them tonight, would hate to have them get to the free swimming stage then they end up being food for everyone else in the tank. Thanks Lynda
  2. Well, my Angel fry seem to be doing really well, I would expect them to be free swimming tomorrow, thing is they are still in 4ft Comm Tank on the power filter, M&D have moved them around a couple of times, so they are all sitting on the top of the filter now, really cant see them surviving in the Comm Tank, so I need to move them, not quite sure which is the best way to go about doing this, if I lift the power filter out of the water am I not going to loose all the wrigglers from the force of the water pulling them off the filter, any ideas how I should be doing this without losing to many of my fry, any ideas would be great. Lynda
  3. Have just changed from using Aquamaster to using Flourish, wonderful stuff, plants are looking great. Dose twice a week. Lynda
  4. Finally, I get to see this poor wee thing :-? :-? , Thanks Mystic, my gudness it does look painful, does he manage to get around OK? Lynda
  5. Anthony, are you wanting these fish?, I thought I might do a buy now, Will they be OK in a Comm Tank? And are they likely to arrive alive, coming from Auckland, hmmm it's a long way. Lynda
  6. Ohhh, what Gorgeous little fishies, u put a bid on the auction Anthony? Totally beautiful. Lynda
  7. You gotta go with BN's they are great little algae eaters and they dont grow to big like the Plecos. I just bought 2 M&F, my tank was covered in algae had it cleaned up in a couple of days. Lynda
  8. Why cant I open this attachment? Can anyone help? Lynda
  9. Really sorry to hear that you have lost your Angel Bubbies again, I have Angel fry at the moment, they still at the wriggler stage at the moment, thinking about putting them into a 2ft tank by themselves tomorrow before they become free swimming, M&D doing a great job, but after reading your post I'm abit worried that the same thing will happen to mine round the 10 day mark. It seems like you doing all the right things, do hope you get the problem sorted before the next spawn. Will let you know how it all goes, best I keep me fins crossed I think. Lynda
  10. Hi Rory, I've just bought a couple of bristlenose's cause my tank was covered in algae, I tell ya a couple of days and you wouldn't have known there was any algae in there, and they dont grow anywhere near as big as plecos, much better choice for ya tank as it is not overly large anywayz. Good Luck Lynda
  11. Hi Seth, Maybe a good idea to post a pic if you can, some fishy people may recognise the fish but not the name of the fish, personally I have never heard of these before. Good Luck in finding one. Lynda
  12. Yippeee, you saved her Dark :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: , well done , yes those test can be abit of a problem a? What do you think caused the spike, if that's what it was? Good Luck, hope you don't have anymore problems with her. Lynda
  13. What about a couple of Gourami"s, lovely fish, not to big not to small,I was going to suggest Angels but really don't think the tank is big enough for them, not an overly large tank, so you not gonna want anything to big. Good Luck Lynda
  14. Totally gorgeous, I want some Discus someday, now I feel a case of MTS coming on. Beautiful colours. Good Luck wif ya eggs, I got Angel fry at the moment, I have told those fishies time and time again please don't lay ya eggies on the filter but they just wont listen, how'd ya get yours to listen to ya then. Getting ready to move the fry to a 2ft tank as wont be long and they'll be free swimming figured it would be alot easier moving them before they got to that stage, my filter is just a mass of wrigglers, really exciting stuff. Keep us posted Lynda
  15. Hi there Peteypleco, Welcome to FNZAS, you have definitley come to the right place to have all of those fishy questions answered. Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  16. Doesn't any Butcher shop or Supermarket have it? :-? :-? :-? Lynda
  17. Yep, Caryls right and thats when MTS sets in. Good Luck with ya fry. :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  18. Great Stuff Penejane. Can you post some Pics? Keep us posted. Lynda
  19. Hi Paul, Congrats on your Golen rams laying, exciting stuff a? Things going really well with my Angel fry this time, no fungused eggs, M&D being great parents, probably moving them into the 2ft tank tomorrow before they become free swimming, Sooo exciting. :bounce: :bounce: Good Luck with yours. Lynda
  20. Excellent job Caryl, wonderful idea. :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: Lynda
  21. I would have to second that snowman, no need for carbon, only use it when necessary, like you say to filter out meds and so on. Good luck Lynda
  22. Probably might find that the Carbon will take out the fertiliiser you putting in, I used the Aquamaster with not much luck, ended up making my water cloudy, have now changed over to Seachem Flourish, great stuff. Good Luck. Lynda
  23. Hows it all going with ya eggs Penejane? Mine are going good, had about 10 that turned white, M&D have moved them now from the side of the filter to the top of the filter. Thinking about moving bubbies to a 2ft tank on their own before they get to the free swimming stage, thought probably abit easier to keep them all togehter at the wriggler stage, I'm feeling abit guilty tho, M&D dooing a wonderful job for their first spawn, feel terrible bout whisking their bubbies away, but I know they wont survive in the 4ft Comm Tank if I dont remove them. All I see at the moment is a mass of wrigglers, will try and post some pics when I find out how. Let me know how its all going with yours. Lynda
  24. Hi Guys, Just a quick update on my Angel Fry, everything going really well, this pair are doing a wonderful job, M&D have now moved the bubbies from the side of the power filter to the top, have had no fungused eggs and everything going great. Was going to move bubbies into 2ft tank last night but decided to leave them where they are, but I guess it's probably better to move them before they become free swimming. Have some pics here that I will post as soon as I work out how to post them. Lynda
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