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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Took some pic of the discus that i'm growing up for my breeding program. golden albino, super melon and pigeon checkerboard
  2. Looks really good. Did you ended up adding any Cardinals and Rummynoses? ron
  3. Maybe a kind fishkeeper in your area can pop around and see what it is. Anyone in Lower Hutt willing to do that ron
  4. If it's only 17 hrs, I don't think it's fry from the pair. Like adodge says, It takes about 30 hrs to hatch. It might be Planaria that you saw since you remove the gravel. ron
  5. That will keep you busy for awhile. Any pic of the male ? ron
  6. Search my previous post under Anabantoid. There is some pis there.
  7. Well done :bounce: :bounce: You got better luck than me.
  8. Some of the ones that i'm working on
  9. YES. Pick those that look like CT.
  10. Selective breeding. Keep breeding them to TRUE CT.
  11. Some people call it combtail, half crown and so on ...... I call them F1 (rubbish). Depend on what you like. A long tail with some jagged edge ???
  12. I think X rated pic are not allowed in the forum. Don't forget we have a lot of students here lol. Nice babies Fish Finger. ron
  13. Very nice male indeed :bounce: Try and zoom in on the fish itself and get a side view. When you cross a CT with a VT you Don't get 50-50 fry.Wish it was so easy lol. What you get is fish carrying the VT or CT genes or both. They don't look anything like the parent. You'll need a lot of crossback and selective breeding to get a proper CT. If you can get a proper CT female or at least one that is F2 or F3 the work will be easier. Try getting a female from Adodge . ron
  14. Can you post a pic of the breeders? ron
  15. To Make it simple for you, If you breed TRUE STRAIN Crowntail together you get Crowntail. If you breed Veiltail together you get Veiltail. If you CROSS BREED Veiltail and crowntail you get A WHOLE LOT OF RUBBISH (breeders point of view). They don't look like CT or VT. If you DON'T KNOW what you have you SHOULDN'T BE BREEDING THEM. ron
  16. Hi and welcome to the fishroom. ron
  17. Since she's doing pretty well and no questions was asked, that is why I didn't post on the tread. If you want to know how I did it, this is what I did: I set up small 1 ft BB tank with just a heater in it set at 28 deg. and an airstone. Put 2 male and 2 female in the tank to pair up. Once they pair up I get rid of the other two. When the fry hatch I add half a litre of green water(infusoria) in the tank. After a week I start feeding them with BBS 3-4 times a day and do a 20% water change evry night one hour after the last feeding. When the frys are 3 weks old I give them a dose of prazi to keep the flukes at bay. Redose with prazi when they are 6 weeks old. Without a filter DAILY WATERCHANGE IS A MUST to stop the uneaten food polluting the water. With live food and premium water quality the frys grow very fast and strong. That is the way I do it and hope it is of some help to hobbyist that wants to try breeding them. Keep in mind that what works for me might not necessary workout for others so if what ever way you're doing it give you good results, don't change it. cheers, ron
  18. I told you you'll be surprised
  19. If you keep looking and disturbing them you'll end up with nothing.
  20. You'll probably end up with 1 ltr of water after cutting off the base so you can turn it upside down to hatch brine shrimp. Best using sea water for better hatch rate and convenience. If not 1 table spoon will do. ron
  21. Like Adodge said, just leave them alone.
  22. Fx5 will be too strong for 220l tank. Eheim is good but expensive. Aqua one is cheap but does the same job of filtering. I have about a dozen Aquaone running and some for about 6-8 years and still going without trouble. ron
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