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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Well done and all the best. ron
  2. looks like they've settled in well and are very happy with your magic touch. Well done Paul. ron
  3. Lightly boil some lettuce and tip it into the bucket of water .
  4. Good luck and hope you succeed in getting frys. ron
  5. Wow, the copper looks amazing and the red halfmoon is gorgeous. What happen to the copper's tail? ron
  6. Then you'll become a slave to the fish like me ron
  7. Wishing all a Happy Chinese New Year :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: ron
  8. Couldn't sleep so took some photo and list them. What are you after?
  9. Listed it at midnight and gone in 2 hours. Early bird catches the worm. Imported. cheers, ron
  10. Throw it in the rubbish. Buying secondhand heaters are like playing with fire. Of all the heaters that i've used, Jager is the worst. They either don't work properly, don't work at all or cook my fish. ron
  11. Pottasium Permanganate. Sudden change of temperature is usually the cause of white spot outbreak. As long as there is water movement on the surface you should be ok. ron
  12. I would increase the temp and dose every third day after a waterchange. My weapon of choice is PP. ron
  13. The stars are for rating just like the hotel lol.
  14. Dosing it daily might kill your fish. The instruction says not to dose more than 2 times without a total waterchange. ron
  15. My advice is if you can't afford to pay for it, then forget about it. The plants will still grow. No point trying to mix something up which could be pottentially harmful and kill your fish and even you just to save some money. If it is as simple as mixing some chemicals together then it won't be that expensive to buy. Injected co2 is not that expensive, only the innitial set up. Just my oppinion, ron
  16. Praza worm fish and kill flukes as well. Metro fix intestinal flagellete (fish not eating, white fluffy white poo..) I don't blame you for getting confused lol. Keep fish for as long as me and you'll probably go insane like me :bounce: ron
  17. Ryan, you should use Prazi instead.
  18. Discusguru


    Only when the fish show symptom (scraping, clamp fins, discolour, dark....
  19. 7.6 PH will not kill the ram.
  20. Do not try to alter the PH in the tank or you'll end up fighting a losing batter. If you lower the PH in the tank to <7, then you have to lower the PH of the water you use for WC too. ron
  21. Discusguru


    All fish can get flukes and have them. Not serious enough to bother them. When water conditions are bad, it stress the fish Thus lowering the immune system and opening the door for diseases like flukes to attack and multiply, eventually killing the fish. Flukes are common and not hard to fix. Prevention (good maintianance) is better than cure. ron
  22. get a couple of 2 footer and put them in their own breeding tank. Blue turk and pigeon checker will give you dirty sooty pigeon fry. Not a good combination. good luck, ron
  23. It should be ok. Just because the fish can grow big later in life doesn't mean it needs an ocean to swim in when tiny. ron
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