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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Very impressive, colour are stunning. Crowning on CT needs improvement.Keep up the good work Adriene. ron
  2. I would return it to the lfs. It's quite hard to get rid of the cotton mouth disease. ron
  3. If you only have a 4 ft tank to house the fighters , breed and house the frys then you won't have enough space for them. 1 spawn can easily produce 200-500 frys. When they grow up you'll need a lot of tanks to cope. ron
  4. having too much floating leaves will block the light getting through. You can leave the baby plants and let them grow bigger. ron
  5. Well done and keep up the excellent work :bounce: :bounce:
  6. No! it's better to take out one parent because they'll fight over the frys and trust me, they are very aggressive towards each other. ron
  7. yes you can or set up a small tank and take the eggs out.
  8. nothing special about those fish. Agree with adogde, finnage too developed for that young a fish
  9. a friend of mine got some. colour red ron
  10. just see whether the eggs hatch out and if it does you have a comfirmed pair. Set up a BB breeding tank for them to breed in. ron
  11. Just sit back and relax. Wait till they go free swimming and feed them 5-7 days after free swimming with newly hatched brineshrimp.Start doing wc when you started feeding bbs. Start with 10% wc and gradually increase the amount daily to prevent shock and fluctuation of water parameters. ron
  12. Agree that different people have different liking to things. I see Axi as ugly looking thing (don't know what to class them in) that stay on the bottom most of the time and occationally struggle to the top only to end up at the bottom of the tank again. As for the condition making life hard, they eat, swim, breeds normally. I suppose you can somehow compare them to woman with big upper body parts and ask them the same question ron
  13. The smallest are 4 mths and the big fat one 18 mths. The rest in between. ron
  14. Might have to add cauliflower to the food ingredient to see whether the head will flower lol. ron
  15. If you have a pond that will be the best(bigger volume of water) but they can be kept inside too in tanks. They eat and poo alot so need frequent water changes. Lifespan pretty much similar to common goldie with proper care and diet. Headgrowth- good quality oranda fed with plenty of life food and high protein food will start to develope headgrowth as early as 6 mths and continue to grow till about 4 years. ron
  16. Discusguru

    DT x CT

    If both parents carry DT genes then your guaranteed to have some DT frys. If only one carry it thenit'll take a couple of crosses to get it but you still have to improve it. Deformity in DT is very common especially the kink in the tail. ron
  17. Discusguru

    DT x CT

    As long as the parents carry DT genes you will get DT in the spawn. All my Halfmoon carry the DT gene. When I breed them, none of the parents were DT but quite a few of the babies are DT. ron
  18. Discusguru

    DT x CT

    yes there are DTCT in the market but not in NZ.
  19. BB tank with a heater in it set at 28 deg. Sponge filter if you want or do water change. A spawning cone (optional) or they will spawn on the glass. ron
  20. Should be OK to breed that tank. ron
  21. Pic of my oranda to share ron
  22. Discusguru

    gold rams

    Put a hose near them and if the parent attack the hose then you have frys. They are quite hard to spot being so tiny.
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