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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. got a pic of the pair? Which one is spawning?
  2. Yes i will :bounce: :bounce: ron
  3. The reason for doing a complete wc is because the tank is so sick. It will get rid of what ever is lingering in the tank. If the tank is healthy , you can do regular small wc to mantain the tank water quality. The gravel needs a good vacume too and if the under gravel is not working, best to remove it. ron
  4. You can do a 100% waterchange if you want PROVIDED the ph of the new water is the same as the water you're replacing. That's where the test kit comes into play. ron
  5. Just talk to them nicely :lol:
  6. and how do you know whether the light bulb you change is pure bred
  7. goldfish or comet, 1 spawn and you'll have thousands
  8. See how the discus is doing in with your new BT. If the fish is happy, eating , good colour and full of beans then don't medicate. WC more often and add some rock salt . New BT look good :bounce:
  9. Take it out . The poor fish probably hasn't fully recovered and all the stress of being picked at by the others make the fish go bad again :oops:
  10. Soooo your special water conditioner is Palmolive natural :lol:
  11. Discusguru

    Sore Betta?

    For a fish by itself in a tank that is in such condition, it will be the water quality. Personally, I would cull it because it's a waste of time trying to save it. Money spend on furan2 is better spent buying another one.
  12. I will be very surprise that the betta killed the pleco. I have pleco in the betta tank and they get along well minding their own business. The pleco could have died of something else and the betta peck on it for food. Pleco can die easily if the water condition is not right.
  13. Yes! metro is the med to treat white fluffy poo. Prazi is for treating flukes worms and tapeworms.
  14. If you don't want them to tear each other apart you'll have to forget about breeding them. 9 out of 10 times they'll rip each other apart. If you want to keep a show fighter don't spawn them.
  15. The fish are probably more stressed out by you being in their face every minute :evil:. What you need to do is go away and leave them alone Switch off the tank lighting too. Let them have some privacy.
  16. Maybe the male and female symbol should be added to the profile
  17. I would use metro instead of liquid prazi for your situation. Unless you want to worm your fish. I use 25-30mls per 100ltrs for my discus. Leave for 3 days and do a waterchange. Redose after wc and repeat 1 more time. Total 3 doses.
  18. That's because you're not feeding enough per feeding. Try feeding more per feeding. If the discus could talk, i bet they're saying "here comes that mean woman again and i bet she's not going to give us anything to eat" :lol:
  19. Gas, I run it off 2 45kg gas bottle. Cost $100 to refill a bottle and delivered to you. There is no storage of hot water.
  20. I feed mine 3-6 times a day or feed whenever they ask for it . So it all depends how busy I am :lol: Weekends when i'm home all day, they get fed all day :bounce: :bounce: Mainly bloodworms and colorbits. Not feeding ox heart at the moment cos I have no time to make them. 50% Waterchange daily.
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