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Everything posted by Discusguru

  1. Nice planted tank P44 Agree with Alan on the Barthii sword. Looks exactly like the ones I used to have in my planted discus tank. The colour can go very dark with strong lightings.
  2. First of all why did you buy them having seen them so sick? It will spoil your reputation (sick fish in the shop) and risk an outbreak of diseases that could wipe out the other fish in the shop. To me it's a waste of time and money trying to fix those fish. Even if you manage to save them, the same thing will happen again later. They are too far gone and look like runts too. If it was me I would cull them without second thought. No offends , just my opinion. ron
  3. You must have good eyes because I can't see much with the tiny pic :lol: By the way, why size the pic so small? 640x480 will be excellent to show the fish.
  4. Thanks Wok! are you after a blue water barrel, I have one you can have.
  5. Congratulations Wok! By the way, are you selling any daphnia or swap them for something? cheers, ron
  6. +1 to that. It's the best stuff you can buy for setting up new tanks and controlling ammonia spike imo.
  7. I've got a hagen 4' T5 here spare which you can borrow to see if it makes a difference to your plants before you spend money on them Try before you buy :lol: ron
  8. Discusguru


    i would recommend you get a pressurised system. Don't think the diy can force the co2 through the ceremic disc.
  9. You can feed them infusoria, yeast and spirulinar powder. They grow quite fast and give birth to live bbs too.
  10. Just the fighters :lol: Breeding some oranda for a change ron
  11. He have just recently got back into it and have a few spawns going . Sooo he's back :bounce: and he's got all my breeding stocks cos' i'm taking a break. ron
  12. Metro have to be dosed daily after a wc(the more the better) for 5 days.
  13. Yes! dose them together. 400mg of metro per 40 ltrs water. Crushed the tab so it dissolve easier. I use a mortar and pastel to gind it to powder, then add a few drops of water grind them to paste and wash the whole thing in the tank. It shouldn't hurt the other fish in my experience but keep an eye on things to be sure. What is the temp of the tank? You might have to increase it by a couple of deg. ron
  14. I agree! just keep 1/4 of the water and move the the whole thing.
  15. don't understand why you have trouble hatching bbs. All you need is a bottle, salt, airation and the bbs eggs. You should visit other fish keepers to see how easily it's done. Come see me and i'll show you how to do it if you want. Nothing beats live bbs for growing the frys. ron
  16. This is the first time i've heard worms coming out of discus eye For the whitish poo you have to treat with metro. Prazi is only for worming. How often do you do wc and what other fish is in with the discus? Where did you get the discus from? What are you feeding the discus? Are they in a planted tank? Are you able to take some sharp close up photos? I would treat them with prazi and metro together. 5mls/100ltrs is not strong enough. I would go for 15 mls.
  17. Get the TLC smart start. For your tank i would get 2 bottle and pour it in. Put in an air stone and you can load the tank straight away. Tried it myself with a new 150 ltrs tank set up. Fill it with water, pour the TLC smart start in, put in an airstone and load 200+ baby oranda (2cm) into the tank. It's been 3 weeks now and still no trace of ammonia and fish is happy as. ron
  18. To give you an idea, I imported 100 discus and 50 HM fighters a couple of years ago and it cost me $10,000.00 all up ron
  19. Hi Andrew, Beautiful guppies True strain guppy is hard to come by in NZ. Where about in M'sia are you based. Would like to visit if I have a chance :bounce: cheers, ron
  20. Just feed them one feeding every 3 days ( 1 feeding twice a week). Don't feed frozen food. Do a couple of big wc before you go. You can start the feeding routine now if you want. Don't worry about the discus and have a good time :lol: They can go without food for 2 weeks and still be happy. ron
  21. Looks more like a rock pool than a pond :lol: Nice! ron
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